
Hey Mal 👋🏾 and Keisha 😊, 

Oouuuu! I wish I was having dinner with y'all. I haven't had tacos in a minute. Had food poisoning last week and I'm still recovering from it. Everytime I try to eat something it upsets my stomach further. I've been enjoying the uploads. Thanks for sharing and see y'all in the next one. 

❤ Janelle 🤗


Gloriaaaaaa Keisha you got me rolling can't go wrong with tacos 🌮


Enjoy ❤


I am glad you love my city of Chicago, Keish. You just have to find the right location for different restaurants.


I hear Alonso. He has really grown since I  started watching your channel.  I think he was about six years old😊❤❤❤❤❤❤😊


Hello, and beautiful Tuesday to you both! You're eating one of my new favorite foods 😋, I'm saying new, because I'm 65 years,  I never ate tacos,  my parents cooked every day,  if we went out,  we went to Gino's, or an eat-in Chinese restaurant,  I didn't start eating tacos,nachos, until about 4 years old! 🌮🌮


Hello ladies...food looks great... Keisha the picture in the background is fire I seen it in another video.....


I'm proud of you Keisha but I knew you could do it and mal I quit smoking about 3yrs ago that was hard and I ate alot to but I got used to it I feel so much better I don't wheeze or cough anymore I have somnia to probably from being bipolar love y'all ❤




Love the meal's ladies everything look good and Mal high potential is  a good series I watch it every week enjoy ladies


Food looks great. I absolutely love Chicago!


Hi yall Food always  look good and yall look nice.  I told you before if I  lived down the  street from yall  yall would be telling me  go home old woman


Delicious 😋 🍽️

