
You are amazing, Valeria. I love your content and sense of humor.


Just found out my grandfather was born in Prague in 1899, but his Ellis Island papers say Hungary. hmmmm someone was worse in geography than me.


The movie "Eurotrip" was filmed almost entirely  in Prague.


I am so pleased to hear Mr. Depp is no longer a part of the corrupt ways of HOLLYWOOD. In a video, he said European movies are better anyways. I agree with him!!! Thanks for doing this short Valery!!!🌹👌


I always enjoy a good Johny Depp movie.


That was a treat! I wasn't expecting RPG's on Sunday.


Tax benefits + ancient locations that look like 1880's London...great movie


Ha!! Too cool. You sure do a lot of homework on these videos. Great job. 👍


Queen Victoria herself blamed the London Metropolitan Policemen for not being able to catch & arrest Jack the Ripper. 1888.


funny how they use different  countries for films ,a town not far from me in the UK was used for Moscow  in a film not sure what the film is. i think its still being made


Well and don't let me started on Cassino Royal, Skyfall, Shanghai Knights, Mission Imposible, Narnia (that was the Czech Rep. not Prague). And than there si a whole adult-film industry for whitch CZ is almost as famous as for its beer.


Sunday ???  😂😂😂


Say Valerie, what country are you visiting this summer? 


How can I watch this normally?


You didn't wear shorts... Summer's coming.


How much research do you have to do on each video


Reallity is often disappointing


What is her name?


Yeah we get it. It's Europe, it looks similar.


Wait--do you mean movies are not real?  Next, you will tell us guides aren't real.