I'm fine with a movie having subtext, but I don't like when a movie ONLY makes sense as subtext. This one was such a chore.
I went and saw this movie with my sisters and they like to rag on me for being interested in bizarre and "artsy" films. After that ending I have been officially banned from picking the movies.
I actually think Alex's final confrontation with the green man in the form of his ex is like, giving her the scenario she's been asking, would he still be alive if she had given him another chance?, well, in the scene she does give him a chance, she gives him the chance to explain himself, to redeem his actions, to try and win her back, but all he does is demand from her, showing that, no, even with all the time in the world and all the chances, he did that to himself, and there was nothing she could've done to help him.
“It’s like she’s trying to downplay her skills because of being a woman, I’d wager.” No, that’s really not what the movie is saying there. She knew he’d ask her to play it and extend the time she’d have to remain talking with him and answering his questions. She preferred not to play for him and wanted to be alone to try to relax and process her thoughts, so she just said ‘nope, don’t play’. Most painless way to get him out of her hair about the piano
I feel like nowadays, in modern cinema, it would be absolutely groundbreaking to actually have a firm ending to your film...
“On this ending explained we’ll be looking at Men.” Unexpected but not unwelcome
This film was advertised very strangely, the trailers made it look like a completely different film.
I finally watched this movie a few nights ago. I couldn’t really get a firm grasp on what it was about other than trauma. It felt almost like if she never confronted these “men” who kept appearing in various forms, she would never fully heal & move on from her own personal grief involving her ex. What she saw with her ex was beyond terrifying. In the end when she finally spoke to her ex, she then realized whatever guilt she may have been harboring wasn’t hers to carry. The symbolism in this film was insane. I appreciate it being explained here.
the colour correction in this film is so insane. love it.
i JUST watched this movie last night and tried looking up your ending explained and saw there wasn’t one yet … this is perfect 😀
When I look at it more literally, this is a really good take on 'so what if a shape-shifting relentless deity with humanoid baggage like Zeus decided to pursue someone'. Answer: 'Surreal and pretty terrifying, and then, his wife finds out'
I actually think the green sphere at the end credits is a cell in the later stage of mitosis, but just prior to the separation. It's basically a cell duplicating itself, which would lend to the movie's concept of both rebirth and how the two cells are essentially one in the same when the process is complete.
My current theory is that the green man is, in fact, the “good guy”. His only purpose is renewal, rebirth, growth, and that’s what he is helping her do. Unlike all the men in the town (who I think are actually real men in the town, whose faces are all blurred into one “man” by her), the green man always appears as naked, mute, expressionless. He is without pretense or concealment or bias. His only goal is to show her what she needs to see to grow and heal from her experience with her ex. And that’s what he does.
Considering the original ending was based on American Werewolf in London, then he was inspired by Attack on Titan, I'm pretty sure in the original ending you would have seen a at least one dead body wouldn't be Rory Kinner. There are at least 2 women in the town, the police operator on the phone and the police woman that comes to the scene, that don't have the Vicar's face. And the main character seems to completely ignore that all the men in the town have the exact same face. Suggesting a lot of the movie is happening just in her head.
The constant questioning of "would he still be alive if she didn't do/say/think this and that" really pissed me off after a while. I really wanted someone to respond "Maybe, but would SHE?" Why was that abusive man's life more important than hers? No one deserves to remain with a violent spouse because the violent spouse wants them to stay, or because they threaten to end themselves if they leave. That goes for everyone. You don't deserve to be abused, and someone that abuses you should not be your reason to stay. Yes, it's possible for people to change, but only with professional help. If they say they will change but refuse to get help, they are lying. Get out. Stay safe. You deserve affection, not violence. Always remember that.
If you noticed at the end of the movie her friend looks like the men, and is shes also pregnant just where these pregnant men were giving birth. I think the movie is more about trauma than "Men are all the same". Trauma in relationships can cause for all your relationships to feel the same because you look for some comfort in the same. The trauma can also extent to friends and family, this is why i think her friends sends that message. etc just a few thoughts, but I think most people regardless of women or men can agree that the trauma can extend to any relationship. Creating a self-fulling prophecy
I swear you and dead meat are kindred spirits because James and Chelsea did a podcast like last week talking about this movie haha I love how you guys schedules are kinda in sync haha
I have a specific fear of doppelgängers and of home intruders. This movie easily activates both of these fears even without me actually watching the movie in its entirety. Thanks to you, FoundFlix, I will never have to watch this in its entirety. Thank you.
The allegories and symbolism discussed here remind me of Mother (2017) starring Jennifer Lawrence & Jarvier Bardem. That’s another one that took weirdness to a whole other scale 📈