Robotech was formative entertainment for me as a kid in the 80s. I woke up at 4:30 am in the weekday to watch this! Watched spinoffs as well. First animated content I ever watched that contained a cohesive timeline and continuity.
A movie about the attempt to make a live action Robotech movie will probably be made before an actual Robotech movie.
34:50 I love that you cover the "unseen" since I'm a big fan of BattleTech. That part of the "history/lore" is a sore spot.
The fact that we will likely get a live-action Getter Robo movie before Robotech is proof about how badly this has all went down.
Great work. Robotech/Battletech confusion always kept me away from trying to untangle it. Now I understand- it was confusing because it was confusing.
Robotech is the show that keeps on giving to Secret Galaxy.
i'm going to listen to this while playing battletech
Robotech was appointment viewing back in the day. An epic soap opera for kids. 10 years old, I tuned in for the Rick/Min-Mei/Lisa drama first & the space battles, second
Robotech was critically important for introducing me to anime in general and Macross specifically. But while I owe it a debt of gratitude for the past, I cannot help but resent it in the present. I STILL don't have blu-rays or an easily streamable SDF Macross, Macross Frontier, or Macross Delta. Get on it guys, or Harmony Gold will still be nothing more than squatters.
You can watch Dan Larson go from fresh-faced recruit to a grizzled, bearded veteran of the Protoculture wars. Seriously guys thanks for digging into the stratums of mud and time to uncover the strange ocean-skipping legal-wriggling history of this series.
Your robotech/Macross videos were how I was introduced to you. As a 5 year old in Iran robotech was one of my earliest exposures to anime. Loved the little details compared to cartoons. Censoreship turned a lovestory at the backdrop of a war into a warstory with a vague lovestory weaved inbetween. To this day hearing pineapple salad gives me PTSD of losing a big brother figure. I wasn't ready for Rick's end at that age.
"You see me now a veteran of a thousand copyright wars. My protoculture's spent at last and my Veritech's destroyed." (Thank you, BÖC)
It's a shame Exo Squad didn't become just a little more popular. Loved how serious it was as a kid.
Just to drive the point home, they should have stitched together a sequence of completely different episodes of Toy/Secret Galaxy and called it one continuous saga.
Failed to mention that Harebrained Schemes *beat* Harmony Gold in court reopening the Unseen designs for BattleTech.
been loving Robotech since I was a child in the 80s. Love Rick,Minmay,Lisa,Roy and EVERYONE else. The Macross series is the best!!!
THANK YOU FOR RECOGNIZING BATTLETECH! ! ! ! I was introduced to both Battletech and Macross-Robotech at the same time in 1984 when I was 13. I love the ROBOTECH series and Love the game BATTLETECH. I have ROBOTECH Macross Saga on DVD and I still play Battletech from time to time. I have built several of the REVELL kits and have some of the PLAYMATES-MATCHBOX and DUGRAM figures. I have played the game B-tech with the original line up of MECHS as well as with latter generations of origional ideas designed, post Robotech. In fact I love the game so much that I wrote and published my own sci-fi spin On BATTLETECH and 'War of the Worlds' called "RIFT- The Telk invasion , Now on AMAZON. I only wish BATTLETECH would have been made into a series similar to ROBOTECH.
ENTROPY. Definitely entropy. And I was delighted to stay all the way, not just to the end of this video, but I've been here since long before that first episode of this series and look forward to still being here for future Robotech updates!!
As an old Battletech fan, i have a special hatred for anything Harmony Gold. Glad a Federal Judge finally put an end to their nonsense.