Anyone who listens to this kind of music has a good heart and is filled with love inside
I could listen to this all day long. Puts me in the bestest mood. Just warms the soul.
Musics are close friend all times. However I am sad or happy it's always comfort me or stay near me .That was so cool !!!!
Самые чудесные звуки, такие приятные для слуха, такие освежающие для души и сердца.
Hi Tim, Elizabeth Reno Bella and Rooo Rooo, Happy Saint Patrick's Day! What a Beautiful Music and Performance! Yippeeeee...Love Celtic they are my favorite group. Thank you so much for sharing with Us! God bless all of you. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Amen 🙏😇❤
Amo questa musica. Immagino di essere in luoghi ed epoche diverse.Grazie
Unconditional gratitude for st Patrick soul
Ragazzi,io sono strabiliante... magnifiche RAGAZZE..Il vostro suonare 🎼🎵🎼🎵 è bellezza e pura poesia!!! Complimenti 👏🙏🌈🌿🕊️
Wauuu 👏👏👏👏 c'est beau, c'est ça être heureux et savoir vivre et profiter des belles choses de la vie, merci Tim Janis pour ce petit bon moment, émue de te voir, ton beau sorrire me donne le courage d'avancer dans cet injuste monde, merci encore Tim 😘❤
She is so beautiful. And plays the best violin I've ever heard.
BONSOIR TIM Janis ❤️ GRACIAS RENO 🎹 j'aime tellement se musique que je reviens l'écouter c'est trop beau magnifique aussi beaucoup que votre cœur ❤️ Bénédiction Allelujah Amitiés Martine ❤️ merci des milliers de bisous 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
The two harps if standing accurately would look like angel wings. 😇 absolutely beautiful 🎶🎵🎵🎶💕💕
Where one’s heart goes is where one’s heart grows into pure love and happiness. And there is no going back .
Bravo bravo bravo bravo 👏💯 mon Ami TIME enfin Un grand plaisir de voir et pouvoir vous remerciez bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo 👏💯👏 des milliers de fois merci J'adore j'aime beaucoup cette musique je me croirait chez moi 💯👏💯💯💯👏💯🎻vive la cornemuse je sais que cette instruments porte un autre non merci beaucoup TIM 🌸🇨🇵🌸🌸🥀
I just love this music 🎶 I love to listen to it all the time Thank you Tim Janis and Reno and staff. ♥️🙏🕊
This reminds me of the motorcycle tour I made around Ireland. Most evenings the pubs would have impromptu folk music played by enthusiastic amateurs. The hospitality of the Irish is legendary and well deserved.
Opäť krása v priamom prenose!krásna príroda,jej súčasťou krásne ženy a úchvatná hudba.srdecna vďaka TIM JANIS,ste super!!!🌍💚♥️🕊️🌲🌳☀️
This is really beautiful Celtic music. The people who played it are as pretty as fairies. Thank you very much with a happy heart. thank you
Preciosa música y un paisaje bonito, lo mejor para el relax y conectarse a uno mismo. Un saludo 🙏🙏😊😊🌸🌸