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KFP 1 - Accepting your present
KFP 2 - Accepting your past
KFP 3 - Accepting your future
KFP 4 - šŸ˜•




It feels kinda odd how Kung Fu Panda 3 genuinely feels like it concluded Po's journey as a character with how it further emphasizes what makes him a Dragon Warrior, but the fourth film low key feels like a tv movie


He may not have as much depth as the first two, but I love Kai as a villain. He's powerful, intimidating, his theme goes so hard, and J.K. Simmons is so good in the role.


There's a small layer to Kai's motivation I feel like he doesn't outright say, but does heavily imply with his dialogue that may infer to what he really wanted originally.

In almost every encounter Kai has, he seems to be increasingly frustrated that nobody knows who he is. It's been a long time since he's been alive and, while Oogway has statues and is generally loved, Kai, who was his "brother" for most of their lives has been completely forgotten. Kai has been buried by the flow of time and I believe what Kai ultimately wanted (whether he knew it or not) was to leave his mark on history... that he would be remembered... and that never happened. It's why when Po actually acknowledges Kai's history that his anger subsides even for a moment and he seems actually happy.

While not being as obvious as the other villains, Kai's real issue was a feeling of insecurity and that he wanted people to know of him. He wanted to be a legend. He did not want to be a forgotten memory.


KFP 1 - Believe in yourself
KFP 2 - Donā€™t let your trauma define you
KFP 3 - Find your spirit even when all is lost
KFP 4 - Donā€™t be short

Edit: Guys, the ā€œdonā€™t be shortā€ thing is a joke lol. KFP 4 is just super average


7/10 rating(s) is GOOD, the fact that people to this day think its the definition of ''mid'' bothers me


I love how this movie says blood family and found family are both great.

I love it when media doesn't say if one is better than the other, because both is good.


FUN FACT: Kaiā€™s theme is a version of the song ā€œIā€™m So Sorryā€ by Imagine Dragons that the band actually helped Hans Zimmer make!! i see so many people who praise the music in this film who arenā€™t aware of that info. i remember seeing Kaiā€™s intro scene in the theater the first time i watched KP3 and kinda freaking out cuz i IMMEDIATELY recognized the melody lol


It's an overlooked detail but Po was also slowly learning to use Chi through all 3 movies.  He figures out the wooshi finger hold in the first movie, the second movie he uses chi to redirect the canon balls (it's not stated outright but the fact the balls change color to what chi looks like in 3 and what the wooshi finger hold explosion looks like in the first.)


I think that Kai being kind of underdeveloped as a character makes sense. He isnt someone were supposed to sympathize with, he is the final challenge for Po, an unstoppable force whos motivations boil down to bitter resentment.

hes not a character whos misunderstood, hes a monster, and that is fine.


Po's two fathers might legitimately be my favorite characters in the series, they work so well together.


In defense to Kai, apparently Oogway was also a conquering warlord and his brother-in-arms. It's less that Kai turned evil and more Oogway that turned good when discovering Chi, "betraying" Kai in the process.
With that said, I agree that Kai would have benefited from more development on his backstory to be as compelling as the legends that are Shen and Tai Lung.


To quote a YouTuber: itā€™s like Star Wars. First one is an epic origin and a classic. Second is a lot darker, the fan favorite, and the main characters learns about their family. (Luke I am your father, po learns from Shen) finally the last one is slower, spends time in a grass land with cute cuddly creatures and elan epic finale that makes up for it all.


After all these years
Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda 2
Kung Fu Panda 3
Finally, I have them all


"funding for schaffrillas is provided by SEATGEEK!" that was such a jumpscare! i was expecting squarespace or something


I appreciate that they didn't force a romance between Po and the ribbon girl


They should have just made a spin-off movie with Tigress instead of Kung Fu Panda 4. Like how they did with Puss In Boots.


I don't remember where I heard this, but Po's outfit in the Spirit world as the Dragon Warrior contains all three colors which symbolized each movie - the first movie's warm yellows is in his hat, Shen's dark red is in his belt, and Kai's green is in his new staff.

Really shows that every obstacle grew Po into what he is today.