That Fahr M1000 combine in the shed looks great for its age! could easily be over 50 years of age..
The jaguar eats the material like a champ😄💪 nice video👍👍
Top class outfit, brilliant interview..
Brilliant video as always lads!! Mark must be picking some amount of acres per year!! Marks x 990 is in Tipperary near me and another falla has a new 990 along with a 970 !!! It’s his 457 I’m more keen on 😊
Great video & kit!
I really can't see where the job is heading, I think there's going to have to be a change. Machines can't keep getting bigger and more expensive, the job doesn't warrant it surely??! In my area there is a couple of people bought older tackle to do silage! 2 outfits I know of have bought older class foragers and run older tractors and they do a really good job! They are all handy mechanics and they keep on top of maintenance work and rarely does their machinery let them down! Surely they'll be a bigger wage in it for them, then these boys with all tge new kit.
Some changes from I was at the silage craic in the 70s with the single chop and 10x6 trailers most of the time and the likes of a Massey 35 in places drawing away from the field and a 135 or 165 with buckrake on the pit and it having to dodge the couple of neighbours who always lent a hand on the pit to try and keep the sides tidy and straight.. Weather then seemed to be a lot better with hot long summers the likes of 76, 84, 95 and a few others. The youth then were just so eager to drive tractors but I think today they have lost the interest and long days seems to test them out and only the hardest ones sticks the pace of agriculture work..
Silage chopping rates are very high in Ireland compared to the uk .
Good luck to the man but I've never got my head around running a machine of that size in small paddocks with tight yards to pick up a bit of grass for a few weeks a year. Must be a lot of money in the job. Those machines are designed for 100+ acre heavy corn paddocks where they can run at max load for hours on end. It's one reason they never seem to get the pickup heads right for these top range machines, they are a bit of an afterthought. How many chopping hours would it do a year?
William 0:24
Anyone know how to do the foot pedal for the cb radio ? Parts/wiring etc ?
My uncles driving the valtra
He’s hardly lifting a 30ft row in 990 waste of power
I'm pretty good with accents,but the mumbling had me switching off at 90 seconds. Not everyone understands gibberish