
For bookings - 

GoL Travels Pvt Ltd
(Govt. Authorised Travel Agency for Lakshadweep Tourism)
Pallichal Rd, Thoppumpadi,Kochi

Contact Details - 

Website - www.golakshadweep.com
Email - info@golakshadweep.com


Thank you so much for making this video :) this was uploaded 2 years back but looking at the current situation between Maldives and the Indian government, this video seems to be futuristic and visionary, thank you so much Ivana for this vlog :)


Here after Modi ji's visit ❀😊


Excellent Excellent Excellent


hi radhika very beautiful video dearπŸ‘Œawaiting for next vlogπŸ€žπŸ™‹πŸ™


As always.... Sharma ji rocks.
Message for all others vloggers "ghum rahe kis chakkar me... koi nahi hai Takkar me"

Love You Sharma ji


Hi Radhika, Can you share the details of Kavaratti stay, that yellow cute stay you showed in video


NIce travel blog videos, pls create playlist of lakshadweep vdos in seq.  ❀❀


Kyaaa hiiii pyaara Vlog with so much of information mazaaa hi aagyi … aur mai sundar bhi lag rahi huπŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜


Hi radhika how are you? Nice video and informative too πŸ₯°. Thankyou for sharing the details in the comments Box lots of good vibes for you 😍😍😍😍 😍😍 😘😍😘😘😍😍😘😍😘😍


This tour isn't normally taken by tourists 😁
It's costly but showing nothing at all of Lakhadeep beauty πŸ˜€.
Best one is travelling by ship from Kochi 3 to 4 islands as Kadmat, Minicoy, Kalpeni. Night stay at ship cabin & whole day tour inside each island as scheduled with lunch.😁


Kavaratthi nice palace beautifully nazare he Maldives se to accha hi he ..πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thanks for sharing. Kavarrati looks beautiful and the sea is also really clean...  Adding Lakshadweep to my bucket list πŸ‘


Saw this on my feed and my friend has travelled to the island yesterday so I guess the algorithm is working great.

Wonderful vlog!
And an easter egg: the name of the auto you got from Kavaratti, "Sanchari" means "Traveller".


Hi, just discovered your videos :β‚Ήl) really cool. Will you be able to share the agatti hotel name please?


Hows the dive scene in agatti for entry level divers( open water certificate)


please share the budget break up details also.. thanks .. keep up the good work..


Love from kerala.Nice picturization and love your story telling. Waiting for more Lakshadweep videos😊❀️


Wait is over..❀️


Radhika ,u re inspiration for girls ❀️❀️keep going ...@ll the best πŸ₯°πŸ₯°