
10 years 100, 000,000 challenge 😅 I think if you've got enough excess milk and can turn it around could be worth a second dairy


Please keep this going! 10 years of cute cows


Great content as always! If you decide to carry this series on, I was thinking maybe a goal of 500 of each animal? Although, that might be quite easy if you will already have 5mil in the bank! Keep up the great work, Chris!


I've been waiting for this video love this series. Appreciate the time you put in to your vids keep up the good work. love you man....


I think you should do a rags to riches challenge. 5 years to buy everything in the shop and end the series with a minimum of $1mil in the bank to mark it completed.


Mr Swu, love the content, nice to see what you've been up to this time :P Have you considered maybe playing some multiplayer and rp in the future?


Coming along nicely. The display year mod is out now that will save you going into game setting to check year. Also, there is a sell anything mod out you can sell milk direct no need to bottle and it's only a very small amount less 3.5% Ish.


def need another dairy production. its not like you're going to sell the animals any time soon, so might as well bring in as much product as possible.


Sell the excess goat milk in oct and Jan I believe. It’s liquid gold.


Damn why does your game run so much better than mine. I have a 3060 ti lol


Thanks for da vid


I think what you should do is once you hit year 5, you should run the series as a double or nothing series. See if you can do 10 million dollars in another 5 years in the series after all is said and done.


Squeaky bum time in the last 2 years for sure! Any news on whether the grass is back to two months at its harvest stage for additional yield or can it be cut at first harvest stage still?


Yo im first i got a question what are the most profitable production in fs23 mobile i know canola gets you about 300k a year i heard oat flour is 400k please tell me ❤


You need another dairy probably


How do I get as many views As you