Mad Maggie this season "you can hide but you can't run"
As a Maggie main I cannot wait to be paired with Ballistic so that I can rush to my inevitable death even faster than usual.
Imagine a team running ballistic, Maggie and Bangalore… instant 3rd parties by a team that’s moving faster than a stimmed octane, with unlimited ammo, faster reload… sounds terrifying
I don't think it's an oversight. Yes it may look broken, but it requires two ult and also, two assault characters, leaving only one other class in your squad
I hope they keep this in, its a cool combo and its countered by itself, anyone can use the sprint pads so just pop your own bal ult and ride their wave
Frankly if anyone is able to pull this off in game, they deserve success.
Mad Maggie: "I'm FAST AF, BOIIIIIII" shotguns you in the dome
Stim pilot from Titanfall: "look at what they have to do in order to mimic a fraction of our power"
I just realised that Octane's stim speed is 420 and he's kinda like... you know... crack addict lol
Finally the Mad Maggie buff we all needed.
Pleeeeeease let this stay or at least stay in a reduced form🤞🏼🤞🏼 Team synergy is literally what this game is about
Imagine seeing a mad maggie running towards you at this speed with a shotgun in hand, i would literally shit myself
The moment I read that little bit of text about speed in Ballistic's ability instantly made me think of Maggie. So glad this combo works, and I hope they keep it. Need to find me a Ballistic duo and become a Salvo-Singing Force of fuckin' Nature.
Ballistic X Revenant is gona be so overpowered with the over heat and the ability take away as well as the pushing abilitys with both of their ultimates
Imagine you are an octane and your team is mad Maggie and ballistic and they use the ult at the same time 💀
As a Maggie main… they tested it… no issues here lmao
Octane Stim really 420 LOL
Octane mains:"Look at what they need to do to earn a fraction of our power.."
Pathy got a new med kit/ syringe healing animation. Edit ash also has one