Masha Allah since I start to follow you I haven’t seen any negative things from you you always seem happy true believer
Oh sis u make me laugh 😆 and feel really good it’s like a therapy JazakAllah Kairan Thank u ☺️ Take care Keep it up
Ya Allah Help Everyone’s Ameen Sumah Ameen
don't stop smilinggg <3 God blessss youuuu
Love the energy sis 😂
R.I.P. to your son 😢
Mash Allah. I ❤ your energy
May god grant you happiness oh my heart ❤ 😢
ما شاء الله اتمنى لك دوام السعادة وراحة البال والطمأنينة والأمان
AsSalamu Alaikum. I absolutely love me some tostones! Especially with some olive oil, adobo and diced garlic 🤤🤤🤤🥰
You need to let your son rest in peace inalilAllahiwainaileeyhiraji'un make dua for him in privet leave him out od social media.
Ready for the stream with brother Mikail peace
Masha Allah 😂 May Allah Keep you happy always
MashAAllah 💙💙💙
Masha'Allah! Sister be aware of the permissible thing as well!
Please, delete negative comments. How can somenone judge you? You're so brave woman. They are narrow minded.
You are so beautiful mam
Nice 👍
U in DR!! 😍