DO NOT give that baby shark away to some random person that won't know how to care for it! Keep it with you, it's your first hatchling for cripes sake!
Please keep it. You are the best chance of survival for him. I was also looking forward to watching him grow up. 😢
I agree you should keep it. My son and I love watching your videos, its one of the things we do together every week get updated on you. My mother lives in Florida and my son really wants to meet you
I love this!!! And my daughter is currently obsessed with baby thanks for showing a
Is it like a butterfly, where you're not supposed to help them out?🤔 they could be under developed when you mess with them. Cute little fellow🥰 I would put him back in the big waters,after I get over the awesomeness and cuteness 😬😕🥴
YOO PLEASE KEEP HIM! He’s the first of the bloodline in your possession! How cool would it be to have different generations in the family!
Good luck, keeping it when it grows to a full grown💀🤗
You were not suppose to help him, he won’t leave his sak until his yolk sac is absorbed. He is set up now for infection, it’s one thing to cut it, it’s another to squeeze it out. I hope he doesn’t die, but next time do some research other then calling Paul, since his died. Don’t give him away, he will more then likely die due to squeezing him out, but even higher chance in giving to just anyone.
You and Paul are my favorite yutubers🎉🎉🎉
Keep it, is so cute.You are a great owner.😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
That thang is SO DANG CUTEEE!!! I really want one, they are literally awesome. He reminds me of my other shark that died a few days ago…😢
Yay I don’t know if u listened to me but I asked for a shark vid so thanks
First time watching n already see so many things wrong. “There’s no yolk left in that egg” *cuts open egg, forces shark out, sees there’s still yolk* “Oh my God. No way! He still has yolk attached to him..I’m pretty sure that falls off..NVM it looks like he still has his yolk sack.” “No signs of any stress” *begins to pet shark w his finger* 😑
I hope you didn't give him to just anyone. He needs a professional person. Experienced person. He is beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
It's your first grand-shark. I can't believe you aren't keeping it and eventually moving it into the pool. I was hoping to watch it grow.
That is why you really should just cut both ends, and let the egg sit in a breeder net and let the shark come out on its own. Pretty sure one of the salt water dudes told you that. Or next time shine a flash light through the egg casing to make sure the yoke sac is gone! I feel you got mad lucky.
Please keep him it would be really cool or pls give it to Paul
he is already covering his ass by saying he'll "give" it away. when it dies.
That baby is looking at you like you’re his mommy. Please nurture it and don’t treat it like an experiment