
I love Dr. Crane’s bolo tie that looks like a noose. Very nice touch.


My buddy is on the design team. It’s awesome to see one of my favorite YouTube people talking about something one of my favorite people did.


Seeing Harvey Dent developed so well in this game had me hoping they do something similar in The Batman Part 2.


Having Lockup is so top tier of a choice, I don’t have meta and don’t want to sit through the entire gameplay but ugh. That makes my childhood happy


Quick correction: Two-Face does not know Bruce Wayne is Batman. They mention that his fall at the end of the game gave him short term memory loss so he doesn't remember who Batman is.


the fall from the building, plus him knowing he couldn't trust himself, is why Harvey doesn't remember or is unaware of it


As soon as I saw the name Joe I kinda knew it was going to be Joe chill but still was good having him play a part in the story instead of it just being just there to kill the Wayne's


3:53 dude now I want to riddler vr puzzle game in the Arkhamverse and I didn't realize that was Elijah wood which is funny cuz he was Lord of the rings with John Noble who plays the scarecrow in Arkham Knight


I feel like these 2 prequel arkham games give more depth into the lore than rocksteady did. Also the nightmare batman boss fight is way better than suicide squad


Troy baker is a goat really making Kevin proud and same with you vee you make us true Arkham fans proud I loved the vid and you just earned yourself a sub


Hey Vee. I would like to hear your thoughts on the Batman Telltale Series. It takes new approaches with the characters and stories that I really enjoy.


Any chance of a new Kevin Conroy tribute this year? Nov 10th marks 2nd anniversary of his death. He was the best voice of Batman in my book. I made a tribute to him using the classic Batman toys with footage from Burton, Nolan, Arkham and Injustice but I don't got ur reach, and he deserves much bigger tribute.


“He’s off to Arkham” I was looking forward to this game but then I remembered it’s vr and I wish I had one to play this. I’m glad it’s good.


15:10 i actually wanted to point this out but from how another youtuber saw it, he was going to give him the acid but he turned and slammed it on his face


Love the Arkham games some of the best stories ever told in my opinion


Man I hope someday it becomes more available, not even talking about a none vr release but maybe other vr systems.
A none vr release would be hard for this game


The Arkham games had some of the best story telling in games all together the series has done a good job of having this contained story with the joker trilogy and then finishing it off with the scare crow it was a good series I hope we get another console game they did to good for these the combat was amazing the alternate skins were great we got enough of his roster in there to flesh out the story good and bad people it was good not just being stuck in Gotham City we started in Arkham then went to Arkham City then we got to go to Gotham City we saw Gotham fleshed out as a character like the comics we needed another game


I feel like The Origins Duology 
really focuses on the characters 
while Asylum and City were more
just stories that justified your
objective but nothing complex
Knight attempted to do a more complex story with a mystery villain but failed in that regard


I just want this to come to PSVR2


Most of the times we do see Bruce and Harvey's friendship it's usually just when they already know each other and to set him up as Two-Face (Batman Tas, Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight)