
Just wanted to say how much I am appreciating the mobility work that you have us do (especially built into workouts). I occasionally go to yoga classes and I cannot believe how much more flexible and loose I have become. I was able to go into a full backbend last class...and hold it with no fear. Sounds like a small accomplishment but it felt huge!


Thank you so much for this video!!  I have been doing it for a few weeks and I have less pain!


Sunday morning worship music, coffee and mobility is what I needed today. Thank you NML for being open and honest about your faith and encouraging people to fill their hearts with gratitude and positivity.


It cracks me up that the auto generated subtitles always say something different when you say Nourish Move Love. On this one it says Nursery Blob. Hysterical because if I don’t keep doing your workouts that is exactly what I will be. 🤣😅


Thank you so much for this video! I also sit at a desk all day, so this will be so helpful to get loosened up for the day! You’re amazing!❤


This was one of the best mobility workouts I've ever done. Every move was on spot! I'll be revisiting it often. Thanks!


I am so inspired to do this every morning at 5am! I’m about to transition from working to raising our kids and I’ve been contemplating how to set up my morning routine. I’ve never been more excited to wake up at 5am every morning to work in my prayer time and mobility work! Thanks NML once again for meeting us all in our current states in life and bringing us to a whole new level of wellness!


This was great! Definitely will be coming back to this again. When I turned it on my three year old said, “where’s Rachel?! Rachel’s not in this one?”😂


This was exactly what I needed today.  After working in our garden in 40 degree weather yesterday in WI I woke up stiff and sore this morning.  I wanted to work out but didn't feel like moving.  This was in to 40-30-10 for later this week and I decided to try it.  It was PERFECT.  Ready to head to church and lead worship.
I need to work in the garden again today and finish before the sub-zero temps.  Will definitely do this again tonight or tomorrow and as you said, add worship music.  Thanks for all you do.


I just found your channel and have already incorporated a few of your routines into my daily workout routine! Its made a huge difference so far. As a mom of 3 small kiddos, i thank you!!


Exactly what I needed for my stick lower back and hips! I have done a few of your routines and have heard so many great things about you.   I'm coming back to get back to getting better again!


I’ve been looking for a mobility routine like this one! This is perfect and I will definitely be working this into my morning routine! Love your workouts thank you so much!


Absolutely love this mobility routine!! ❤


This was excellent.  The music was great! Thank you. I'm 46 years old, and my body craves mobility.


I just wanted to say a quick Thank You! my lower back has been hurting and I have been sore all over and after this workout I feel SO much better!! Also thank you for the advice to maybe sit with praise music on and do these. Love that!!!


this video is one of my go-tos when i am feeling sore/ not up for strength training. it always feels so good!


This is my favorite stretch routine!!❤


Loved this routine! Definitely coming back to it again.


We need another full body mobility routine!


I love this routine! So effective to loosen my body up in the morning and helpful hip flexor moves.