
Recommended 101%. Thank you so much to the person who invented this  Aspen Vista TX or normal. I am suffering out of control cervical spine stenosis and fasciotomy since 2016  after the malpractice. Even I had C4-C5  replaced Titatium Phyramesh plate , still suffering as I understood that C6 down to T3 needs surgery  , so I  decided again to utilize is but I consult first to my general surgeon because 2016 malpractice of wrong size of  three NEUROPLASTIC to my bilateral cervical spine inserted to fractured dislocated clavicle with hole going to my left arm to  have sensibility my thumb and second finger then the wrong size again where compression of my Subclavian artery. Intact fractured dislocated clavicle still here  intact to the first rib . Circulation of blood became slowly and I have now big problems of my heart and lungs because of insufficient oxygen.  The other day I started wearing it and I am to seventh stairs of Heaven.  NEUROLISI was stop but  I need to continue my sling once I get out. But the violet color of my both hands once I removed my sling , this time no more violet , just creamy . 8 yrs including su and recovery for five months, I wish only five months.  Thank you so much again. God bless Aspen patients and fast recovery too. I need five delicately surgeries in August. I am just waiting my Medical Certificate from the Dept of Health here because 5 months  recovery. Stay safe always guys


Thank you for this tutorial 😊


Very helpful, thank you!


Thanks a bunch my mom just broke her neck and they sent her home with the same exact brace and they didnt give us any instructions on how to take it on and off


Audible Instructions would be appreciated.


After a week you just unvelcro it on and off without giving a sh!t.


How do you do this by yourself, like for cleaning?shaving, etc?


hello is it for the neck rings please reply me


Why the annoying music? Makes it pointless when you can't hear the instructions.


Where does it sit on the back turn around


You have to pull out the knob to adjust it. His hand is in the way so you can't see, also you can't hear instructions. Kinda poor video


how much?820pc


1 cái bao nhiêu


That second fitting was crooked AF!!!


Annoying music