Could you record this practice please Kassandra, looks immense xxx
The thing that's been hardest for me has been pulling back to allow a foot injury and a wrist injury to heal. It's taken much, MUCH longer than I would have liked, and there are a lot of poses I used to do regularly that I am not currently capable of doing. I'm trying to extend myself grace and remind myself that eventually, I'll be back to where I was, and to just do what I'm capable of now without comparing now-me to past-me.
I absolutely love practicing with you daily. I stopped comparing and just do what I can. I have arthritis so it can be hard but very proud to even try.
Thank you! I really needed this reminder. Practice has been very hard for me lately and I’ve found my self crying on them at when I feel like I can’t execute a move “correctly”. So thanks 💕
Whenever you do something crazy i feel i have to as well. Im terrible at pacing myself as a beginner in things 😂.
Been doing your routines since the first lockdown, have to say it has really been beneficial and enjoyed every single one. Much appreciated. This short video looks like another belter, would make a great full practice. Hint...Hint.
Sunny day,finally!!
Hi Kassandra, I haven't done any sort of exercise in months, though I've done lots of yoga before. Do you think that only doing yoga is enough to keep a person fit overall for the long haul? I loved doing your videos and want to get back into it now that life has calmed down😅
Did that camera fall down? Imagine the sigh of annoyance when you look over and you don’t know how much of the video has been missed LoL. Namaste!🙏🏿
I’m worried about relaying on videos. I don’t know how to do poses without being instructed, and I want to reach the point with my practice that I can do it without copying, but I’ve hit a wall where I’m not feeling as motivated to keep up with it everyday, and I think its because I’ve reused the same videos too many times, and I’m getting kind of bored. Maybe I should go up to intermediate? I’m doing this all by myself and I’m kind of worried about not reaching the best potential I can on my own.