
The Trio is Back 💫
#UnlockKadhali breezy melody video Out Now 🎼🎶💕 


My All Time Fav List💚

பூலோகத்தின் கடைசிநாள் இன்று தானோ என்பது போல் பேசி பேசி தீர்த்த பின்னும் ஏதோ ஒன்று குறையுதே!!!

கல்லூரி நினைவுகள்💚


ஹரிகரன் ஐயா இப்பாடலை யாழ்ப்பாணத்தில் பாடினார் அருமை. முகம் காணமுடியவில்லை சிலரால்😢.


3:33 Kamal's look checking the photo was priceless !!


I think GVM is the only director who can make normal things like Walking/Driving/Riding & etc look so beautiful in a song.. In most of his movies, I see the main characters just walking around / driving/ Riding and yet he visually justifies it and makes it a beautiful song.


He is taking selfie 🤳 at 2006 😮 selfie become popular only in 2011...He is really great vision man 👌


4:35 💯 kamal style + harris theme alaways awesome 👏 whenever I saw 👀 it’s like goosebumps ❤️


Fresh Fresh Fresh Still fresh ... Me and Deeps College cut adichitu watched this movie in Chrompet Vetri theatre, Lot of Memories ❤❤❤❤My favorite portion starts at 4:38, i searched for that green shirt and boot cut jean in a lot of shops kedaikave illa .🤩Harris Jeyaraj 🤩


16 yrs back SUN music la summana potutey irupan, evalo vati pathalum salikatha paatu 



கமலஹாசனை தவிர்த்து இந்த பாடல் யாருக்கும் நிலைக்காது


GVM-Harris Jeyaraj Combo: Evergreen Rock Vibes❤


எத்தனையோ காலம் தள்ளி நெஞ்சோரம் பனித்துளி...


That drop-beat sax at 02:33 stole the entire song; it's been 15+ years since this album released, still ruling the playlist <3


The whole song is 10/10 but this 4:33 part is everything  🙌 ❤


Literally சம்பவம் by GVM & Harris..💥♥️


Hariharan voice is legendary ❤


2:00 GVM in background ❤️🔥


2:33 ஹாரிஸ் sir 👌😱


5:03 that expression 🤌❣️


Krish voice and Harrish music and Gvm combo ultimated❤❤❤