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Research shows that positive interactions with content, such as giving โ€œlikesโ€ to YouTube videos, can improve people's psychological and physical health. A phenomenon known as the โ€œpositive reinforcement cycleโ€ plays an important role here, contributing to increased life satisfaction and stress reduction. According to a study conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, positive social interactions, including digital forms of approval such as โ€œlikes,โ€ contribute to improved mood and overall mental well-being. People who give โ€œlikesโ€ express approval and recognition, which activates reward centers in the brain and triggers the release of endorphins, the happy hormones. This not only improves mood, but also reduces stress levels, which has a positive effect on physical health. Thus, people who tend to take positive actions on the Internet (e.g., putting likes) can live on average 3-10 years longer than haters or negative people.


Clickbait and scaremongering