
This video resonated deeply with me, especially as I approach retirement this year on a generous biweekly income of $82K. You've been an incredible inspiration, and I'm grateful for the impact you've had on my life! ❤️❤️


Sold my house without telling my narcissistic parents who lived down the road, moved and went no contact on the day of this reading. Thank you so much for the confirmation that I did the right thing. 💕


Oh Miss Lily Light,  I no longer try to explain the real, behind closed doors type the parent really is since she is just the best, funny, kindest lady EVERYONE else has ever met. It's mind blowing
Thank you so much for your Godly insight. Praying daily to distance myself forever.


I had literally just asked the question seeking exactly this confirmation and validation that you have just provided me. The universe works in mysterious ways and I appreciate your timeliness of this reading. Much gratitude and love ✨️


This is absolutely the confirmation I needed! Title and content was SO spot on! Thank you so much for this.


Woow. From Maryland. I just had an encounter of emotional boundary. Jumped on the phone to come back to center and started listening to you. Wow, you just confirmed  my life experience. Thank you for being you. I wish you, a beautiful day to you & yours with love,light & laughter 😊. Thank you!


You are so spot on!    Leaving a 35 year marriage to a narcissist.  Brutally hard but time to move on.  I have so much ahead of me.   Thank you


It's unbelievable how much this  describes my relationship with my parents, which was repeated over and over with friends over the years. In particular, one narcissistic ex partner. What you've said is totally that story. And I cannot fall back into the trap of thinking that a leopard will change its spots.


I haven’t even finished the reading yet, but I had to comment. This is SOOOOOO my life rn. I just started a new job and my boss came off as a really nice guy who cared about his employees. He favored me in the beginning and I just saw him as the grandfather type because he’s significantly older, like 65 or something. I’m 39, but everyone thinks I’m younger (in my 20s). Long story short, he started coming on to me at work. At first it was flattering, but it still felt weird. I even entertained the thought of it because he seemed like such a kind person. Recently, I’ve seen a different side of him which I believe is the real side and he’s not a nice person. He’s a snake and I believe taking advantage of his position in the office. I can’t tell anyone the things he’s said because the people in the office love him. I’m new. I feel like my word wouldn’t even matter. I’m just trying to create an exit strategy.


Sag tuning in from Hong Kong!! Appreciate your time Lilly Light for doing this!! Blessing to you too!


This was a wake up call. It's like your the voice inside my head. I knew it. But it's different hearing it. Thank you.


I’m completely floored by this reading. You nailed a situation I’ve been going through with someone for 4 years. They appear very confident and I’ve even contemplated them being narcissistic. I just closed the door on it yesterday because there’s no point in continuing. It’s going nowhere.


Hit the nail on the head trying to get him to leave house! ❤


Te worst is that we fool ourselves into believing their "truth"instead of ours to maintain our  false 'peace' of mind until the next time. And it starts all over again and again. Trying to avoid guilt at all cost.


Never felt so seen 🙏🏼thankyou xxxx


Gemini here!  Love your readings !  You are so great 😊


🕊I CLAIM THIS READING LL!! 100% accurate. A year ago I went no contact with my first family, and now I am learning to fly!!! 🤍💗🤍


You nailed it❤


Watching from Wisconsin! I am Taurus sun, Leo rising, and cancer moon! You are covering me fully w/this reading ❤


Perfect readings! Thank you!
Áries/Leo (Portugal, Sintra)