I loved this video. I use IDP for work a lot to track employee progress.I definitely see employee engagement and improved performance. I’ll introduce this to my team for the spring. Thank you coach.
We're aligned in many ways. Here's a few where I'll offer a different perspective. In my experience, you can and SHOULD (and again, my opinion) have evals with the players too. It's about engaging the player, and reviewing LESS on the quantitative scale (or ranking) and MORE on the qualtitative. Asking the player open-ended questions and giving them a forum to speak up. Plus, it's their journey and their experience. Even from a young age, we as coaches can help them to take ownership of their development. Too, for the IDP - I believe that also has an age/experience scale in terms of how it is developed, and is important with the player engagement. Have a 10yr old who needs extra work at home? Have them identify what they enjoy, what motivates them, and identify areas and things they can do at home that will cultivate that extra effort feeling natural instead of forced. Even if they want to do something that they already excel at, or isn't a deficient area. This will help drive more intrinsic satisfaction. Then when players are older (~HS age and above) they'll be more inclined to do the 'extra' work on their own - the stuff they NEED to work on, but will have a greater appreciation for it because of a love of the game as a whole.
Thank you so much, Coach! 🙌🏼
this is great advice! I agree with everything you noted here and have seen great success with mid-season evals. one thing I like to include is a self-assessment section. I setup a “team survey” google form ahead of time where players can rate themselves and offer feedback. the way you shape the questions leads them to provide an invaluable look into how they experience their own soccer journey. i include this on the final eval form, right next to my own feedback.
Great video! I completely agree with the approach and really appreciate the detail.
I like your opinion on the age qualifiers on when to include the parents and when to only counsel the players. I have defiantly seen coaches try to give a lot of feedback to 8 an 9 years olds and the eyes glaze over really quick.
Great content as always Coach Rory! Your videos have been very helpful, as a new coach I appreciate seeing a different perspective. Thanks again!!
Thank you again sir. Another great video with great (and timely) advice.
As a career teacher, I wholeheartedly agree with this approach. Your spreadsheet looks a lot like the rubrics that many effective teachers use to grade assignments. I wish more clubs took the time to evaluate their players in this way. I'm also glad that you're not afraid to rank the players and tell players honestly how they compare to the rest of the team. I think most players do have a good idea of how their skills compare to their teammates' skills, but they do need to understand what they specifically they can do to improve. Out of curiosity, do you also have similar evaluation sheet for the coaches in the club?
Starting to think you can see what's happening on my computer, Coach. I just spent the last month developing a player framework for U9-U14 players for my club so that we could start doing better evaluations and analysis of our players. I felt we needed something guided to identify where we needed to spend more of our energy - especially when our younger teams have their technical sessions with our trainers.
I had a really tough Fall Season. I had one (1) player who had a terrible attitude, complained all the time, blamed all teammates except himself when something went wrong (on/off field), almost got into 3 physical fights (1 of the fights was with my own son), used overwhelming profanity on/off field to teammates and coaches, complained about his position, wouldn't listen/follow directions, etc. Not only did I strip his "Captain" designation right away when I realized who he really was (it didn't start like this during pre-season practices), I benched him during games and made him run laps during practices. From this discipline, his parents got pissed off at me and I ultimately wanted to kick him off the team, but I wasn't allowed because this is a rec team. He was toxic/poison to the team and we only won 1 game for the entire season. "I'm not looking for the best players, I'm looking for the right ones." - Herb Brooks, Head Coach, Team USA Ice Hockey, 1980 Olympics. Chemistry and rapport is key to any team and feel it's even more important than technical skills. This player was not a good fit for this team, or any team of that matter and I personally believe he needs a lot of professional help as I feel his behavior originates from home. This was such a bad experience because I didn't get what I wanted, I never want to coach again!
Just did these with my club team through play metrics. Your system seems so much better.
i very much like the division of skills into 4 categories, and the specific action items. not sure about ranking the players. it would be hard to rank 11 players, plus disheartening for players to hear that they're in the bottom half of the team in so many areas. i prefer to rate them against a standard; e.g. what i would expect for a player playing on a tier 2 team. that way, many or even all the players could meet the standard in some areas
Hi Rory, really enjoy your content and would love the evaluation document if you wouldn’t mind sending it on?
How often do you think players should be moved up and down between 1st, 2nd, 3rd teams? Often times it seems players are grandfathered onto teams and promoting/ relegating players is a tough conversation (but necessary). I'd prefer to see movement amongst players at least every season if not more frequently to promote competition. Thoughts?
Hi coach, thanks for the really great info here! Do you reference previous evaluations to see if the player has grown in the areas that were identified as needing improvement?
Is there a way you can share your templates for rating these attributes? I’m one of the coaches for my local high school team and it would be very helpful, as we are in pre-season currently
Here at lonestar we do it by giving a grade 1-5 like you mentioned.