
Makes me want to lay down in a field full of wild flowers. The skies pink and orange. Just feeling everything and tearing up a little.


This song feels so peaceful yet painful at the same time


This song has a late afternoon vibe when the sun has gone over the horizon. This is magic!


This song feels like thousands of love out there who love immensely, that love so deep that cannot bear the pain of loving so much that when that beloved person is gone, leaves an emptiness and itโ€™s expressed in the most subtle, kind, gentle embrace to keep going.


This may be one of the most beautiful songs I have heard in my entire 23 years


This song makes me cry everytime


I'm so proud of young Royals for their soundtrack choice it has been a ride ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’—


This feels like I'm facing my pain in the most peaceful way possible... Like how it feels to have a hard conversation where no one walks away angry.


This song better get recognized to this world, this song is majestically underrated. This song gives me a sense of tranquility that my mind has never achieved before.


So soft. So gentle. So beautiful.


Discovered this on an Instagram reel. This is what I want to go out to when I leave this mortal world


It's been almost 2 years i lost my mother.
In the lyrics 
"Do u ever wonder what its like,
Loosing what u can not be without" 
It hit me..  
All my achievements, my Happiness everything feels like nothing.. without her.. 
Cannot even express how it feels! 
Staying strong and facing everything in life.. 
This song.. Gives me peace.. And also i can cry my heart out.. 
I pray and hope she is watching me going on in my life and blessing me! 
I love you amma!


This might just be the most beautiful song I've ever heard


This song feels like a hug, the humming... so beautiful โค


This song really makes me think back about the key milestones of my life. And how I could have been somewhere different if I did something differently. This song helps me realize Iโ€™m still kicking after making it through some hard times in my life, letting me know I can keep going ๐Ÿ’™


Wow... this is so incredibly beautiful I have no words. It's been a while since a song so deeply shook my soul to the core


Commenting so whenever someone likes my comment I can come back here to have a listen all over again๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’”


I'll overcome
Silent songs I'll be humming on
'Til you sing along
Come as you are, ignited
Some lights are a different kind
Never burning out

Darkness and dust
Quiet shadows are dancing now
Asking for my hand
I'm hanging on fine
I'm trying to make sense of it all
Trying to understand

Do you ever wonder what it's like
Losing what you cannot be without
I will keep running

I try
I'll overcome

Fading stars echo
Reminding us they know
We've come too far to let go
Don't let go


This is what I need right now. Kinda panicking on the inside, I find this soothing sound so comforting and it makes me feel like I can overcome <3


"We've come too far to let go. Don't let go" I felt this deep in my heart.