
otsuikey! thank you for the stream, you did so well brave boi :_heart:
3:07 start & setting 
8:23 Dark Souls start, Vike is back
9:10 let's make Vanta proud 
12:18 :O no way 
15:17 Blighttown 
17:39 :O the jumpscare
19:21 :O nice jump 
21:50 corner jumpscare LMAO
23:51 hi slack 
25:10 "so far this isn't too bad" LMAO
28:05 O_O 
28:35 Ö 
31:15 31:36 dark soul experience LMAO 
43:08 haha 
45:11 oof 
47:54 jumpscare 
57:20 his greedy jump 
1:04:39 find bonfire :_cheerquill:
1:14:10 he did it o7 
1:19:26 Vally of Drakes 
1:20:49 Firelink Shrine, we're back 
1:26:26 finally he's free, 1:26:36 台パン
1:28:36 parry the platypus
1:33:04 ds1 moans lmao
1:37:08 カーン カーン
1:41:20 boss fight: Moonlight Butterfly
1:50:07 :O he jump, 1:50:33 huh :_laugh:
1:52:47 LMAO
1:54:08 NPC Vike :_tskr: 
2:01:46 EEG Ike, 2:02:01 
2:02:21 LMAO 
2:02:54 Northern Undead Asylum
2:03:52 boss fight: Stray Demon 
2:05:49 giant cake LMAO
2:08:36-2:09:11 :O parry king 
2:10:56 the jumpscare 
2:14:58 omg jumpscare Ö 
2:18:58 EEG
2:19:17 another normal day in Dark Souls LMFAO
2:21:43 A, he fall again LMAO
2:26:30 run Ikey run 
2:27:16 bonfire yippee
2:27:36 Darkroot Basin, F LMAO 
2:28:54-2:29:51 his gacha luck (yeah congrats on 3.0:_party:)
2:32:42 maybe a birthday countdown stream 
2:35:21 F LMAO
2:39:31 The Door to Darkness
2:41:04 boss fight: Hydra
2:47:08 Oolacile ♪
2:49:30 speed jumpscare holy moly 
2:52:42 Sonny raid 
2:54:26 hi Alvina🐱(cat boi confirm)
3:05:55 we're floofs 
3:06:21 Undead Burger, he wanna try MOS Burger🍔 
3:10:45 "can I aim with this?" LMAO
3:11:13 he did it
3:15:32 lucky boi's birthday buff 
3:18:42 parry purrrr:_tskr:
3:19:05 Doofenshmirtzland 
3:21:29 feels like sleepover with quilldren :_popcorn:
3:27:36 LMAO what's happening here :_peek:
3:35:21 Quelaag's Domain 
3:36:47 Ö boss fight: Chaos Witch Quelaag
3:42:27 :_headpat:
3:45:08 Fulgur join VC, thank you so much Fuuchan :_heart:
3:51:41 Fuuchan is the GOAT :_heart:
3:52:29 floofpile time :_headpat:
3:56:06 he likes dark souls 
3:57:51 boss fight:  Ceaseless Discharge 
4:05:14 "I know that like invisible walls are a thing but it's never worked", okay 4:05:26
4:06:57 Ö dark souls is a 鬱ゲー
4:16:13 Ike Gamland 
4:16:45 fire keeper is absent :_heh:
4:23:42 Sen's Fortress 
4:28:06 4:28:45 F
4:32:05 LMAOOO
4:36:59 oh a trap 
4:40:28 ooof F, "you're safe- nevermind"
4:43:16 run 
4:48:43 You're insecure ♪
4:49:50 hi big hat Logan 
4:52:49 revenge time
4:57:04 greedy boi F 
5:07:30 chest PTSD
5:21:18 open cage ooo4h
5:24:45 finally find a bonfire
5:28:21 boss fight: Iron Golem, 5:29:19 LMAO
5:31:29 cutscene 
5:31:58 Anor Londo Ö 
5:34:52 GG
5:35:23 awww
5:35:42 back to room 
5:37:11 debut Vox mentioned
5:37:33 keys TSKR 
5:40:43 brb for victory ramen ;) 
5:45:36 welcome back
5:47:38 Hypernervokustiskadiafragmakontravibrationer 
5:48:19 (cute laugh👈👍)
5:48:25 laying on his bed :_comfy:
5:49:12 talk about tree houses 
5:50:42 mogu mogu time :_toast:
5:55:54-5:57:05 about the birthday voice pack :_excite:
5:59:21 end bye rest well 

:_cheerquill:gaming moment 
└37:52, 42:35, 46:15 nice dodge, 51:35, 1:18:10 1v1, 2:08:36 NICE, 2:14:58 NICE, 2:28:22 nice, 2:49:44 nice dodge, 3:18:19, 3:25:17 3:25:57 neat, 3:57:51 nice  dodge, 4:27:37, 4:55:23 trap, 5:05:20, 5:23:22 nice dodge

:_tskr:Ikey noises 
└2:06:57 whistle, 2:13:18 whistle, 2:13:51 2:14:38 humming ♪, 2:17:45 whistle ♪, 2:19:03 crack knuckles,  2:34:08 🎈, 3:05:34, 3:09:08 crack knuckles, 3:13:09, 3:18:06 🎈, 3:30:51 pspsps, 3:33:55 ♪, 4:14:56 pspsps, 4:41:44 aaaa (his angry noises), 4:50:12, 4:54:12 huh, 5:25:17, 5:41:43 living noises, 5:47:18 hiccup x2

🌞Praise the sun
└3:12:07, 4:44:53, 4:49:38, 5:31:37,  5:32:57 

(if I'm wrong please let me know)


Ike Eveland【NIJISANJI EN】, I can't get enough of your content, so I subscribed!


Fuuport appears!! 🥹


Thank you so much for playing Dark Souls Ike! You did incredible! A lot of progress was made and absolutely love to see how you already end up loving the game a lot. You for sure made Vanta happy and proud with this stream. If you want to continue the game one day I super ready for it. Seeyou next time best virtual novelist in the world and take care. 💙


otsuikeyy !! almost 6 hours of dark souls ... holy ! :_excite:
man, i got lots to catch up on !! :_heart:

personal timestamps:
4:02:47 missing the chair back home
5:46:00 buldak ? (you sounded so soft here)


10:10 "Why is the parry so slow?"
Parries in DS1 are active from frame 0, the moment you press the button. Parry with small shields have the longest parry window in the game (which is good!)
You can see the parry window by going up or down an elevator (like the one to and fro New Londo Ruins) and parry against the wall. You'll see sparks fly for when it's active.


22:05 "Why does it still hurt me? I blocked it!"
Shield have different damage reduction stats. Inspect your shield and you'll see its defense against each element. It's on the middle-right side of the inspect screen. Small shields, being good for parrying, don't have 100% physical damage reduction.
There's also have a Stability stat under the DmgReduction%. The higher it is, the less stamina you lose when blocking.


1:45:05 "Oh, is that why it was so easy? I should've fought this boss way way before this?"
Not should've. You could've. imo it's great that the game let's you come back later and stronger.


Having fun watching the Vods, really amazing progress this stream


Thanks for the stream!!! OtsuIkey:_heart::_heart::_heart:
Pat pat for the bell part and thanks fuuchan's help!:_quill::_headpat:
Watching Ikey playing Dark souls was very fun:_excite:

4:32:34  THE chest:_buffer:
5:43:51 B:_ikE:D :_quill:


Otsuikey!!:_heart::_heart: Thank you for the streaming~


Otsu Ikey and thank you for the long stream today! :_heart: You did fantastic, especially with the bell scene. I'm happy that my Quillblings managed to warn you in time and that you got through it :_headpat::_cheerquill:
Rest well now and good night :_comfy:




5:53:12 personal timestamp for when ike saw my comment:D also thank u for the stream ikeyyy<3333


3 minutes short of 6 hours stream! WOW!:_ikegg:


starts at 3:06


Thank you for the stream! It was fun to see you adevnturing, and your parrying skills are great :_excite:. Take care, stay healthy and stay safe :_heart::_headpat:


5:35:41 back to the room :_heart:


Otsu Ikey! Thank you for the stream.:_heart: You were totally gaming this time around. I don't know much of the game but you made it sometimes look so easy.(I know its a hard game) I look forward to more Dark Souls!:_cheerquill:


Thank you for the stream!! I am unfortunately vod gang since I was sleeping during stream lol.