
It’s ok to be completely wrong sometimes. this show is great


Worst adaptations would be, Doom, Halo, alone in the dark, every resident evil movie after 2, blood rain and honestly the list can go on. So many adaptations suck cuz everybody keeps taking liberties when they don't need to it's basically taking a known IP and doing their own thing with it cuz it's easier than making your own thing.


I think the show was fine. It wasn't peak television or anything. But it was entertaining enough. Sweet Tooth rocked whenever he was on screen. Definitely not even on the leaderboard of bad video game adaptations.


Disagree. Purpose of the first season was to establish characters. The second season will be more about vehicles


There is no way this is the worst video game adaptation comparing it to the numerous atrocious adaptations made by Uwe Boll


I kind of disagree with alot of your gripes. A faithful Adaption isn't possible for a game like twisted metal. Most characters are one note and even the protagonists are somewhat unlikable antiheros. They need something more direct and story driven for a show. Imo the show needed to take most of the creative liberties it does


Show was great. Can't wait for season 2


Dude the show was awesome. The games are the most incosistent thing ever lol.


In my opinion, it was pretty good


Worse than the 2005 DOOM movie? I don’t think so


Worse than that old Mario movie? Nah


Well a lot of people liked it so I guess it's time to unsubscribe


Borderlands made this age like Milk


Twisted Metal is a great action drama....give it a chance. The 2nd season will say whether it lives or dies with the tournament.


I never played Twisted Metal for the story or really even the characters, so it's a weird thing to criticize when there is little to no story in all the games.


Lol what. This show was great.


As an adaptation it’s not great, at least it’s not in any way faithful. As a show however it’s ok. It’s not peak tv or anything but I’ve seen much much worse in the last few years. If like me you grew up with the games and loved them and you go in expecting a semi faithful adaptation (which truthfully would be hard) you’re going to be disappointed. If you go in just wanting to watch a show as its own thing, again it’s decent enough.


I disagree with people who think the show sucked. As someone who gre up with the games. This show may seem to miss the mark but it really doesnt.

The creator did say that he never intended for twisted metal to be story focus. Hence why the games are wacky and ridiculous most of the time. 
Twisted metal black was the first game to show a good connected narrative. 

Now the show itself has a crap ton of games to take inspiration from which is good and bad. Some people prefer the wacky games while some prefer the narrative from twisted metal black. 

So they got a bit of everything. While also trying to please a demographic that most likely never played the games. I talked to somw coworkers that only saw the show because of anthony mackie and never heard of twisted metal.

Now the show itself was funny and you can tell the people who worked on it had a lot of fun. The budget was most likely low which is why we didnt see many combat fights. So im hopeful season 2 expands on that.


Hell nah that thumbnsil is over dramatic as hell lol. I enjoyed the heck out of it legitimately and everyone ik loved it to and we all grew up playing it on the og psone.


This has to be bait 😂 i loved that silly show and it's definitely not worse than Halo