
More info! Materials are:
- Winsor & Newton watercolor tubes
- Holbein gouache (Titanium White)
- 120-140lb paper (try different colored papers! It'll affect your process and force you to explore options and get different effects)
- I prefer flat brushes
- Any pencil
- Any plastic folding palette with thumbhole (for standing)
- Any watertight water container (with a clip so you can clip it to your sketchbook)
- Conté a Paris conté crayons.
I also tape off the borders of my sketch before I begin: you can see this at 4:22. I like to use black electrical tape because it provides a nice value comparison (black vs. lighter).
I carry a ruler and sharpie in my hiking pack to make black borders after, if needed.

I have a video available where you can watch me paint one of these sketches from start-to-finish (albeit with a slightly larger setup ... but same medium) here: https://marcobucci.myshopify.com/collections/online-workshops/products/watercolor-in-edinburgh


Such a great surprise to see a painting sketchbook tour.  I could watch these for days.


i adore the way you talk about art. Its very passionate and shows in your art


This video is a visual treat.


This is how I want to draw. it's a beautiful sketch book


What is really cool about these, is when you squint your eyes, you see a photograph.  The colors are so natural and those elements captured....really great.


your art gave me a very big impressionist feeling, and i feel like you really put it into perspective when you said that "studying from a photograph wouldn't prompt you to think think that way"


I had to study this for art history class: William Turner did this with his ships: smelling the air, be on the ships, feel the steam, rain...
Constable (or however you spell his name) did it with the sky. he admired it from upclose and added his own romantic feel to it from the impressions he got. His touch.


7:17 when you flipped to that page, my jaw DROPPED. That painting is incredible. Very suprised when you then called it a failure, that's probably one of my favorites from the whole book.


I didn't know that you could create such brilliant impressionist paintings with water colour


i've watched this video at least five times, and am consistently inspired and learning .. I am an avid plein air painter, and urban sketcher .. I love the way you described it as " engagement "..  perfect !! Norakag, here 👍👍👍thank you , Marco


I love your painting sketchbook so much. They are all wonderful. And I would like to add that your videos are very helpful. You provide all necessary information that an artist needs. You broke those info into a more simple piece to feed. Thank you very much. This is a big help for us, as I am a young and aspiring artist in the moment.


I live in London and you captured the feel of these locations so brilliantly that I could recognise them in an instant.


The point you make about the importance in painting outside is so key...Today's youth are missing out on so much


I'm totally amazed by your talent and how much  I've learned  watching  your videos


I'm a photographer and when I see my photos I always remember the things around the picture. But what I adore about drawing is being inside, being calm, just copying photos or making my own stuff up. I understand how it can be amazing to draw outside, but I can't to that. Wind and weather distract me and make me anxious. But while photoshoots I don't care about those things and stay calm :D


Your painting gives eyegasm to me.


I adore the way you communicate these things and I feel excited and inspired through your channel. Thank you!


What you talk about the special brush strokes in the extreme cold surrounding is very inspiring. I truly appreciate your art philosophy !


I think that tree is just perfect. It is my most favourite picture. It is almost as if i can feel the light falling through his leaves.