You didnt ruin it for me but you have the greatest point ever 😂
My husband and I watch this movie EVERY Valentine’s Day. It’s my favourite movie. Actually… The first time they meet, she liked him and they sat down and enjoyed breakfast together talking about all the things they had in common… even doing a little happy dance at the end of their time together because they were excited to see each other the next day. It was the second day that he thought she remembered him.. he sat down and asked her to sniff his fishy fingers and that completely threw her off… like it would anyone who thinks they’re sitting with a stranger. I think it’s wonderful that he gave her a life to live instead of sitting on the same day over and over and over again. He helped the family move past their exhausting daily rituals and helped them move on to their own lives too.
Beauty and the Beast was my favourite fairytale, it’s quite ironic for my life 👸🏻 The beast literally locks her up in a tower, he’s horrible and if she just loves him enough he turns into the beautiful prince. That was not a very good idea for a storyline.
Lee you messing up the movie for me 😂😅😂
This is legit the reason i hate romcoms and other "romantic" movies. They romanticize toxic and abusive behaviors, and it warps ppl's expectations of relationships
Absolutely true. He had a huge advantage over her.
Adam did a lot of manipulation in all his movies. I think he does it to expose what people really do and what they are like in real life or situations 💯🧐
How I met your mother had a bit about this exact idea. They referred to it as “dobler or dahmer” and replayed whatever events in both perspectives. Sometimes stuff is cute, sometimes stuff is a felony, and a lot of times it’s not necessarily obvious
Pretty woman was bad too, a prostitute ends up with a billionaire and is all of a sudden treated like a queen. Not saying that good things don’t happen but that wasn’t a very good movie to put out there either.
100 percent like Heartbreak Kid with Ben Stiller and even Frozen
Riiiiight, just like our American nursery rhymes. Some are very suspect 🤔 👀 🙏🏾💜
He lied to & manipulated her repeatedly while learning what she likes so he could lie & manipulate her into falling for him. Sounds like a typical narc 😂
Omg! I have never thought this way! He liked her but she did not even though she had short memory loss! She could have had liked him and for that reason he would fight for her! That is mind blowing to me!
You ruined this sweet movie for me! 😂😂
And now, that whole "connection" at the end was her not knowing him but have dreams about him, well DUH, dreams interprets what we do in real life. Home boy was a whole grade A stalker. Dang! You're right Lee. 😢
I watched that the other day. Lol
She did like him at first but definitely
I love that movie 😢
Omg i think that all the time.Oh my god , it used to be my favorite movie and now I am like wait a minute , wait a minute