Hmm.. maybe she could hire Morgan and Morgan?
I just don't understand why Hailey doesn't just make a fake tiktok at this point !!!! She's just getting herself into heat by liking stuff on her main acct!!
The whole Baldwin family is just weird
The difference between the cardi suit and potentially hers is that Tasha K admitted it was false. Hailey would have the burden of proving these people wrong….it would for sure bring out more information that she would not want revealed
Lmao she gonna sue the whole internet come get it girl😂💀
Imagine trying to convince people none of it is true when it can be proven in 2 sec😂
She wants to lawyer up for the.. consequences of her own actions?
Suing for what?? They just talked about her actions😂 she did those things.
She got the man but he doesn’t love her as loudly as he did Selena.. so she will never let it go
She has absolutely no case. Defamation is EXTREMELY difficult to prove. Colloquial usage of the word “stalking” and criminal charges of stalking is irrelevant in this instance. She would have to prove that all of this caused her loss of wages and emotional damages and then quantify that. She cant.
Hailey Baldwin seems like a crazy person
when celebrities wanna defend themselves but can´t because they are wrong, they sue. Its quite pathetic.
There is just nothing she can do to deny any of it 😭 No way it’s all fake there is just too much evidence. Her hiring lawyers is making it worse lol
the fact she says she is misunderstood but then has continued to shade and bully selena for years. Like girl did't you learn anything through out the years of this whole drama? How can she still bully and shade selena, if she says there is nothing true about this. I would surely start acting differently to prove these ''rumours'' to be false. Like there is so much proof of hailey's creepy behavior and she is just digging her own grave.
The fact she cares so much tells us everything we need to know.
LOL 4:03 Hailey gives her haters SO. MUCH. ENERGY. I can’t 😅😅 she cares the most. She wants her fantasy world to be real so bad and feels like a victim when ppl call her out. So stupid.
She can deny it all she wants but unfortunately for her; there is SO much evidence that’s stacked up against her. She literally has been caught stalking like 50x
This man is making Hailey look like a FOOL! All that work to get him and he doesn't even seem to like her that much.
There has been so much evidence of Hailey being a stalker weirdo. All she’s going to do is embarrass herself when they show the evidence in court 😂😭