
I wanted to get this out for the weekend in case some of you are interested. I have been relaxing this week, sorry for no uploads. BUT, we have a ton of content coming. See you soon.


I have that Ros Arago, and something fun I do with it is use Wings of Sacred Dawn to reload on kills. Infinite mag at 1000 RPM


It is a CRIME you didn’t get to go to bungie for the preview.


Great list, I have 3 more. 

1. BXR with Blunt Execution Rounds. The damage bonus is massive and can synergize with a lot of melee abilities. Great with Anthrys hunter or my personal favourite stasis Warlock. Combined with whisper of rending and surges, you can get a single burst to hit stupid hard. Blunt Execution rounds is a perk that's completely exclusive the BXR. I pair it with Pugilist. 

2. Multimach with Attrition Orbs and Kinetic Tremors. This combo is present on Midnight Coup as well, but I prefer it on an SMG. Pairs really well with any special weapon centred build. I use it on my Coldheart arc-lock. If you're out of ammo for your special weapon, you can damage targets to generate orbs. Create enough orbs and you can use special finisher to generate ammo. Kinetic Tremors makes up for the lack of damage since most people don't use kinetic surges, especially on a special weapon build. Attrition orbs is also much more reliable than siphon mods in endgame content. 

3. Retraced Path with Golden Tricorn. This is the only Trace Rifle with Golden Tricorn, and it's also solar. When paired with Bonk Hammer or Athrys Hunter, the results are insane. Get a kill to proc GT x1, then a kill with your hammer/knife to proc x2. Use the fragment to get radiant on powered melee hits and the mod to create orbs with powered melee kills. The result is +50% damage from GT x2, +25% damage from radiant, and up to +22% from solar surges. All achieved with only 1 gun kill and 1 melee kill. The beam from this combo absolutely melts anything it touches. I pair it with subsistence. If you can't give up incandescent, get Acasia's. It's a better incandescent trace since it has rewind rounds.


Highly recommend Heal Clip-Onslaught Summoner, also a 1 of 1 and absurdly fun.


1:00 Parabellum (Solar Submachine Gun) Heal Clip OR Permeability
2:14 Last Man Standing (Solar Shotgun) Subsistence + Discord
3:02 Heliocentric QSC (Solar Sidearm) Demolitionist + Incandescent
3:42 Tyranny of Heaven (Solar Bow) Dragonfly + Incandescent
4:36 Vengeful Whisper (Strand Bow) Slice [+Hatchling]
5:59 Battle Scar (Kinetic Pulse Rifle) Shoot to Loot + Kinetic Tremors
7:14 Forbearance BRAVE (Arc Wave Frame Grenade Launcher) Demolitionist + Wellspring
8:45 Indebted Kindness (Arc Rocket-Assisted Sidearm) Any + Any [Voltshot]
9:21 Ros Arago IV (Void Auto Rifle) Permeability [Subsistence] + Onslaught


I love unique rolls like this. I can tell I've been watching you for a long while when I have a few of these in my vault ready to rock. 

Excited to see your Final Shape content!


Love being able to log on and see a fresh Coolguy vid on a Friday


That masterwork on the bygones is a work of art


With the pulse buff a demo-wellspring Ogma would definitely seem like a good thing to have


HUGE ALERT: Heliocentric is still farmable via Lost Sectors with tomorrow, June 1st, being the final day before TFS.

Highly suggest anyone still missing on a decent roll to grab that as the LS loot cycle may potentially rotate out for the most recent World drop weapons like Ros Arago. Even if they don't remove any weapons from the pool it may possibly increase the pool in each rotation (making it harder to target farm).


One other unique roll: Unrelenting Headstone Eyasluna. It is THE ONLY gun in the game still that can roll this combination. Pair it with whisper of rending and you can one tap the crystals you create on the field

Edit: it’s the only PRIMARY in the game


I got super lucky to get a Heal Clip + Frenzy Parabellum randomly while playing last week, thankfully.


My friends verys first battle scar after coming back to the game was shoot to loot and  Kinetic Tremors. I was super jealous, but I am happy for him!


What I love about your content is that you really reframe a lot of weapons in ways no one talks about. There's a lot of really unique things that you tend to focus on with weapons, and I really enjoy that transparency and guidance, especially when everyone else is focused on the old & reliable. I would've never thought that my Onslaught Permeability Ros Arago would possibly be more valuable than my Subsistence Onslaught one, but now I'll keep both.

Thanks for all the awesome content you make man ♥


Great to hear from you!! I never thought of permeability as something to keep. I have an onslaught Ros Arago but if i get permeability i have instantly deleted, this opened my eye and gave me FOMO :) Great video as usual


The fact that you brought up the demo-wellspring forbearance makes me sad. I tried so hard to get that, and got SO MANY other dumb rolls, but couldn't land that one. I did get a demo + chain reaction, that might have to do.


I can’t believe. I have that arago with perm. I was like no one is running this thing and it smashes. I love that I can put it on any subclass. Plus I literally have 75% of every other weapon with the perks as well. Cool guy and I think alike! Lol


Just want to point out you can farm Heliocentric sidearm in Lost sectors! today (1st of June) it is in rotation on reset and its one of the easiest Lost sectors (The Quarry in EDZ) so farm them while you can! Heal clip/Incandescent is really good for PVE!


Funny how many world drops became the most coveted weapons in the game