Gd morning sir, plz tell me this visa for Indian passport available or not available
Why does my application get constantly denied when I'm a U.S citizen? are U.S.A applicants excluded??
We have tried applying for the evisitor but it requires us to pay. However,it says that the evisitor visa is free. Please let me know.
I applied for a tourist visa but I have a criminal record (non violent) I have a cruise in 3 weeks and need to be in Australia for one day
Please can someone travel with 651 visa to Australia without NOC??
I'm from Cameroon. Am I allow to apply?
Hi if someone has European travel documents can they get the same visa and can go Australia
I want to apply tourist visa for my adult,kid in the Philippine, she is single, my reasons, imhaving an operation soon, and I needs very badly as my part time carer as my husband is 83 years old soon, very slow now and don't know my foods, I'm 73 years old soon, very weak always, I have plenty of illness, and plenty of pains in my body now, pls help me, I got 3 kids here too all citizens, too but they lived very far from me due to their jobs. Pls help me us my date of operation is coming soon thanks.
This video was made by Saul Goodman