Pazjor your my favorite fifa youtuber keep up the good work to get 1mil subscribers!!!
I love your videos they always cheer me up
This was so much fun to watch amazing as always💪
Peak content from you as usual, love the vids bro keep it up🙏🏾👍🏾
This was so much fun to watch amazing as always
RIP Pele 1940-2022 ❤🇧🇷❤
Hi pazjor I just started watching your videos and really like them I’ve been sharing them with my friends and keep up the great work
Pazjors challenges always cheers people up
Man the energy😎🤩 Pazjor has bro sheesh
I love your videos it also brings comedy to it
Paz best FIFA youtuber hands down.
Bro I love your videos and I have to say your the best fifa channel in the world 🌎 your underrated 👍👍 keep it up!!!!!!
Vini Jr gotta win one at least in the future
The 2nd and 4th goal of Lewandowski are identical
Bro could’ve had cr7 when he landed on 6’2
R.I.P Pelé❤❤
I like how Jorge Campos is also 5”7 and would made it easier
I love you good work keep it up you’re a big inspiration for me I’ve been watching you for like a year