Holy... This is absolutely masterful.
I guess this has to be the best video available on YouTube, and the like / dislike ratio confirms this statement.
A longplay AND orchestral arrangement in one? Where's the double like button?
This arrangement of the soundtrack is incredible, and it's awesome how well it works along side the actual gameplay. Man, it'd be awesome if Nintendo just licensed your soundtrack for Link's Awakening HD on the Switch... but they won't.
I remember subscribing to your channel early into this project (with alt account), being excited for every new song. Though I don't remember if I ever commented on any of your videos, so let me change that: Thank you so much for this incredible ride! Link's Awakening is the game that probably shaped my Zelda experience the most and is one of the many games that made me interested in 8-bit music. While that interest made me a passionate 8-bit musician, I sometimes wish I had the skills or even tools to make orchestral music... I'd be happy to hear something from the Oracle games, but I do enjoy the recent Deltarune stuff as well nonetheless. Keep up the good work!
I bought your album last week. I am so damn in love with it. Link's Awakening is one of the best in the series, may actually trump LTTP as my top. It set more standards for the series than LTTP and OoT combined.
When I first heard a track of this album, I had your same wish, though I didn't know you had it too, so I had started to brainstorm hacking a rom and see if it were possible to make a game with this as it's soundtrack. I'm beyond delighted to see that seeing this was your wish too, and I'm glad that you made this video
My god, the chills!! You really should be proud of yourself.
I've been wanting a longplay like this for a long time. I'm so glad I stumbled across your channel while looking for Guardian Battle remixes (which was the best on I've heard so far). Liked and subbed. On a side note, a remake of this game in a style similar to ALBW would be SUPER cool to see.
Once again, thank you for doing this work. I will say the money will not be a waste when I get the album.
I can't begin to understand why this doesn't have hundreds of thousands of views.
I. LOVE. This. Would love to see the Oracle games' music redone like these :)
I used to replay this game on a yearly basis... I guess now I'll stick to rewatching this. Your interpretation of the game's soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. It enhances the game and the memories I have of it in so many ways... thank your for this masterpiece!
Watched your playthrough and immediately bought your music. Can't thank you enough for this brilliant work.
Bottle Grotto is absolutely haunting. Remarkable work, you should be very proud.
This is the best thing ever! Thanks for doing all this. That editing must have taken hours and hours! There are so many nuances to the way you scored this. ^_^ For example, it's evident that the times you chose to begin a piece over again after zoning vs the times you chose to resume a paused piece and the way you start the forest theme at the percussion on the third visit. I also wonder if you planned certain things, such as when not to pick up the guardian acorn vs when to pick it up, based on how well the scene flows.
And now... five years after this... we have a switch remake!!! Awesome.
holy shit!!! you just didnĀ“t only make the arrangements, but also a complete walkthrough of the game!!! master...
really great project. You are a true Zelda fan.