I’ve been editing my photos for a while but never bothered to watch any videos and was just free styling it. Your tips and tricks have really helped me!
awesome video! i always love watching the color grading process. i learn something new every time!
today i've decided will watch all your videos in this youtube channel by end of this year
Man, love your videos. You have a good sense of humor, I love it! 😀
What a great edit walk through! This was fantastic! Its really helpful on how you verbally explain what you're doing in such detail. Great job
Sir your channel is helping for beginners thank you
This video inspired me to go back through my hard drive and fine some photos that I thought were just ehh and put a moody touch to it.
Amazing tips and tricks as always. Sick edit btw!!, thanks for sharing this knowledge
very nice, thank you!
That Borat comment killed me hahahaa!
1:04 – might clip and borrow this audio 😅 sometimes I do too
Amazing edit! May I ask which camera and lens you used to get this photo?
Hello! I currently own a Lumix G7. I've had this camera for many years now. I'm looking to upgrade to a new camera. Mainly for Music videos, cinematography, short films etc. I also want that super crisp photography as I love to do photoshoots and street photography. i would LOVE to take part in weddings. I love to create as an aspiring filmmaker, and I really don't know what to do when choosing the correct gear. Everyone speaks highly on the Sony Fx3 but say the photography side is lacking very bad but is it that bad?? I've looked into the Sony Fx30 as well but I'm wanting something a bit more powerful. which it does look very nice. I discovered the A6700 which looks nice, but I hear it has awful over-heating issues and there are better options. A friend of mine told me to get the Sony Alpha 7S III as it is supposed to be the best of both worlds, but I've heard it's not strong enough for weddings? sigh... please, help. thank you for your time!
Great tutorial! I must ask though, is this a reupload ? Either that or I've got the craziest dejavu right now.
Hello Sir. How was the videography of Xperia V1 VI?
Ætla að styrkja þig þótt maður sé með nóg af presetum 😅 erum með svipaðan stÃl 😊 kveðja frá Noregi.
Reupload or deja Vu!!!
Am I the only one who has noticed that you have new glasses? 😅