아름다운 세상을 위하여~ 세상은 꽃과 음악이 없었다면 아무런 감정을 못 느끼고 살았을지도 모름~
Oh yeah what a great way to enjoy a rainy day,,listening to Alan Jackson is a breath of sunshine 🌞. He can sing anytime, anywhere and make it a beautiful day 😊 ❤ Alan you are a wonderful classy man
Pray God lifts the scales from the lukewarm and lost eyes, opens their ears and soften their hearts. Pray God strengthens His children, gives them more discernment, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding 🙏🏻
lagu lagu nya sangat bagus salam saya dari indonesia pecinta musik barat
I discovered you today, honestly it was the greatest gift. The versions of each song are Absolutely Magnificent. Congrats! I thank God for your existence. God bless you all🙏
Praying for everyone here who's experiencing depression, anxiety, those who lost their jobs that God grant them healing and restoration of their faith. Amen
Ça c'est de la musique et de la chanson comme les connectés que l'ont entend merci pour ses belles chansons ❤❤❤❤❤
감동받았던 곡들만 모아모아 영상에 담아주셨네요. 잘들었습니다. 감사합니다. :goodvibes:
Hey you strong people, if you reading this now... I just wanna say, thank you for not giving up your life. Thank you for holding out until this second. Thank you for enduring the hardships of life. Thank you for being a person who keeps trying to be better. Thank you for not end your life. Thank you for strong heart. Thank you for everything! 🖤
everytime i heard this song, I feel in love with my hubby again and again. thank you for playing this in acoustic style.
Many thanks for your COVERS YOU ARE UNSURPASSABLE...FROM ITALY WITH LOVE...🇮🇹🔝🇮🇹🔝🇮🇹🔝🇮🇹♥️♥️♥️
Love all of you! You make beautiful music together! Thank you for sharing your music with the world! 💖💖💖
I love the sounds & the voice of this band
Музыка волшебная, природа великолепна ✨❤️ и ,почитав комментарии, приятно осознавать, что все , кто ее слушают, чудесные люди💫 если бы все были такими, на Земле не было бы зла 🙏
Bellisimo video, excelente selección, ONE LOVE, que hermosa interpretación. F E L I C I T A C I O N E S😍
Listening Lobo songs to make me sleep..Usually listen to this when I have insomnia and it usually get me to dreamland midway.
These songs are the best moments of my life 😭😍 and I see my wife 😍 and I know they were the best for her 😔 but we are together 😸 until the end 😍💕 how beautiful 😗 romantic ballads I congratulate you beautiful
A goosebumps.. just remembering the old times..I just remembered my Mom who already pass away...