
We all rightfully focus on the funny lyrics and singing, but his guitar playing is so extremely good! I really like some if the bluesy lines and vocings in this song and how he just playes them while still maintaining impeccable rhythm with his finger-picking right hand.


This may explain why he was the only one at the party for time travellers.


Rip Stephen Hawking, rest in time machine


The thing is, we're all traveling forward in time...

...most of us just travel at the usual rate though.


Paul the Octopus was an absolute star though. let's not forget.


Of course he's a time traveler! How did I not realise it!
Thank you for enlightening me upon this obviously obvious fact! :O


I just noticed Jay's eyebrows go down when his voice goes lower and up when he goes higher


He's such a great guitar player and songwriter


That lick from Chorus to Verse was epic


How am I still finding Jay songs I haven't heard?! None of the context is there anymore but listening still makes me so happy.


1:06 this is the first time a guitar lick has made me laugh, why is that little bassline hilarious.... dudes a genius




You're very clever, young man, but it's turtles all the way down!


In February 2025, when the world? Humanity? Civilization? Nature? Earth? still exists, yt algorithm recommended this to me and I liked it.


Watching this in 2024. The title was quite worrying at first. Thought that maybe Jay was the time traveler.


1:09 Steven Hawking used his Time Machine to predict the long-armed surfshark user


this aged very well didnt it


Those women though. Lol. That last sentence keeps me laughing.


the "has not been put to better use" reminds me of the very long arm


The key change at 1:09 blew me away