Man, I remember the good old days when Thor The Dark World was the worst MCU movie. Better times.
Love & Thunder should be at the bottom of that list.
I lowkey think that if this came out at the height of the MCU it be around the 70% like the first Captain Marvel
Still blows my mind that Eternals is ranked so low. It's definitely not one of the best, but there's no way it deserves to be at the bottom.
This is was a solid movie. Don’t understand the hate smh!!
Steve Rogers represented what America thinks it is. John Walker represents what America actually is. And Sam represents what America should be. I actually like this turn in his character.
Seeing those RT scores made me realize that critics were REALLY nice to Disney all these years. Those scores should not be that high.
I wonder what the hate channels are gonna because these are the same people that say you shouldn’t trust the critics, but now the critics agree with them
Just saw it, good movie. I'll see it again.
Everyone I saw it with really enjoyed it. A fun action movie, which is what we expected.
I enjoyed Captain America
This is one of the best first solo films in the MCU. I liked it a lot.
For a dude that has no serum. He sure has one hell of a cardio tolerance 👀🤦♂️
I just watched it, it was fine. 6.5/10 IMO. Was it the best movie ever? Far from it. Was it a hot mess like the last Ant Man? Nope. To me it was middle of the road. As long as you don't go in thinking this was going to be a CA:WS 2 you'll be fine. The acting was solid, the writing decent, the plot was eh. At least they acknowledged the giant head in the ocean finally, so on that point it's a plus. Felt to me like it's main goal was tying up a lot of lose ends from 4 other movies and setting up a bigger plot for movies to come with the discovery of adamantium. What was REALLY disappointing to me, was the end credits scene. Totally skippable. Will I go out of my way to see it again? Probably not. But do I feel I wasted my money? No.
I liked it. Like rob said, I knew I would have a good time. Doesn't mean it's a great triumph.
Went and saw it and it was solid, fun and good. Definitely not bad. Way better than lots of other marvel movies IMHO. Third act alone was worth the price of admissions.
I really enjoyed it. I think too many people over think and subvert their expectations. I'm just here to give my one vote of go see it. Try to enjoy yourself
It’s good movie 3 act is outstanding
Just saw it and I really enjoyed it. Definitely isn’t as bad as some of the others or as bad as people are saying. The actions was good and it certainly felt like a captain America movie. The leader was underwhelming but he fit the bill, he reminded me of baron zemo from civil war.