
Okay…I’m interested. Shawn Ashmore and Ashley Greene 🔥✨.


Prequel: Its Hungry


Aw man, i though this was a sequal to 'IT follows '


Alice is having visions again


Ashley Greene playing a mom now. And mom to a TEENAGER! Now I’m officially old 😂


ashley greene is as pretty as ever. love her in twilight ❤️


kinda giving Insidious


I like Shawn Ashmore, but this looks generic as hell.


Future Sequel: It’s Satiated


Feels like the temu version of insidious


Is this supposed to take place in the same universe as It Follows?


It's giving Insidious 3 vibes to me lol.


She was the sole reason I watched Twilight 😅


I'm shocked I didn't find James Wan's name on this.


Sequel: It sleeps


This is literally just bits of Insidious and The Conjuring mixed together.


It left no crumbs.


It does things


It Feeds part 2 - It’s Full


It ate.