
Congrats on passing the exams! You can be so proud of yourself and all the incredible work you're doing all the time! I'm also a PhD student and find so much inspiration through your vlogs :)


congrats on passing comps! so so so proud of you! youve changed how i approach academics and research, and have actually ignited an interest in american history through some of your topics and sources. hope all goes well in london and that the universe continues supporting you with happiness, good vibes, and success! :)


Congratulations! Love watching your content. About to start my M.A in history, and you continue to inspire and motivate me. Love your work and content!


huge huge congrats on passing comps! your london move is having me excited for my own uk move coming up (got accepted to uni of york thanks to your guidance videos!) hope you have some fun and relaxing post-comps rest :)


Loved this video. Watched the whole thing :) My comprehensive exam is in 3 years. I've started gathering books in the historiography section... it's so overwhelming! I'm so proud of you, and thanks for sharing your inspirational journey!


πŸŽ‰ Congratulations on passing the comps!  Thank you for inviting us on your journey...how much more to grow. You're going to be a Londoner. Sending much and blessings.


Congrats Kaelyn!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ Enjoy your vacations in London to celebrate this huge milestone!! I am truly happy for you!!


congrats on passing your comps!πŸ₯³ love your channel!πŸ₯°


I'm so happy and proud for you! This vlog has inspired me to be even more excited about my own comps a long y time away from now!


You did it! Awesome! Congratulations on passing, Ms. ABD Apple! Thanks for the continued inspiration!


I CACKLED at β€œWere old. We can’t keep staying up like this.” πŸ˜‚


I’m still all behind…. But congrats, congrats, congrats! So good to see all the effort paying off! ❀️


Congrats πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I just started following your journey. I am a 1st year PhD Student. I find your videos extremely motivational.


I absolutely love your videos!! I'm just going to get my MBA this fall and you are inspiring me to think beyond that degree.  Thank you for vlogging your journey!


It's nice to be together!!! Thank you so much for your videos!!! Congrats!!! πŸŽ‰


Congratulations and best of luck moving forward as a PhD candidate!


13:32 So many quotable lines but Claire saying β€œI went to BUSINESS SCHOOL!” is so funny πŸ˜‚


Congratulations on comps!!  and yes, I would like a history of boba video.


Got to admit that I don't know anything about this sort of exam besides when I've learned from your videos, but I know you worked really hard, so congrats on the accomplishment! πŸŽ‰


Famous Last Words: β€œI don’t know if I’m like being delusional or if I’m actually prepared.”