
Sammy Swindell is a great sprint car driver. But winning by eliminating the competition is no way to win. My Dad won well over 600 sprint car feature races. He was most proud of being known as a clean driver.


Swindell obviously wasn’t afraid to remove obstacles and intentionally took em out. πŸ˜‚


Slammin Sammy swindell still blaming others for being on the racetrack.


Slamming Sammy


I say it was Sammy's fault


Get em Sammy


Sammy being stupid as usual, always blamed the other guys, no respect




Pretty cheap shot Sammy. You can't be proud of that win.


Bro.. If Sammy wants to drive over you.. 
Guess what.. That's what I thought. 
You are just lucky Sammy let's you play his game..


Yeah looks like it's his fault, but if it was someone else it would be their fault πŸ˜‚


Sammy sucks