
Thanks to HelloFresh for sponsoring today's video. Go to https://strms.net/hellofresh_juicehead3, use my code JUICE16FM, and receive 16 free meals + free dessert for life while subscription is active!


That gate with the sirenhead was a paid actor


High FPS Fix - is recommended.
Shadow Boost - is a must.  
Warning -long loading times fix has a buggy history of liquefying certain texture mods. For some pc players this is not a problem. I don’t have a problem as I stopped using it. The loading times are a huge boost. 
Enb Vogue- it’s ok it can put a dull sheen over some locations but it does look better for the most part. My recommendations are Ghost (lightweight) or Reactor (hard on graphics card) Fusion is also good Remnants for a darker look 
Direct hit - Good dependent on whatever overhauls are included, but I use it. 
Kill tips & hit indicator sound. - Most audio mods are a waste, however as mentioned the bulletin time effects are quite good, I do not use kill cam mods personally - combat should never be slow unless fighting with bread sticks.
Wars - Good little mod, but there’s so many other options in the over saturated weaponry category. But try this out I don’t use this.
Peace - Worth a look, not important but nice and quirky.
Ai mods or combat mods never really give you that definitive combat overhaul experience unless they’re scripted and too many scripted mods will mess up your game.
Whispering Hills - recommend if you want to do a Halloween theme play through, as long as you’re ok with fog and a not so silent hill. I loved it with the lights off and the sound up.
America Rising 2 - Definitely recommend as a separate play through, remember to build your mod list around this mod. 

I always choose a huge overhaul/quest mod  as a base and work around it. Currently using  CSEP commonwealth killer, Welcome to good neighbor, Tales from the commonwealth, WRVR companion and radio station, Galaxy news radio The Path off A psycho, Vault 83 The Librarian, Nordic Europa research Facility, Vault 28 The absent ghoul, Cannibal in Concord,The Bus Home Quest mod, The Fens Sheriff's Department - Bleachers 2, The Code, Fourville, Radighoul, The Machine and Her and Finally 50 ways to Die at Dr Nicks. My mod list is based around adding quests and making the game longer.

Mods lists using  Wabbajack  such as Life in ruins-  As long as you don’t mind having the joy of making your own mod lists removed Wabbajack is quite useful. Though I make my own mods and lists. I’ve used Wabbajack on occasion. Definitely worth trying out


Who else wants an extra GB of mod space for xbox and PS?


I recently installed Sim Settlements. I played the original back in 2017 or something but they have completely rebuild the mod multiple times and have fully voiced quests (with good quality audio). I'm about 70 hours in and I have barely done any other quests! I've been managing my settlements and doing the Sim Settlements main quest non-stop. Just when you think you have done all of the content, you'll be introduced to new content!


Fallout 4, the game that keeps on giving. Everyone thought 76 was the end of Fallout content in social media. Then everyone was convinced Starfield would monopolize screen time... but no one cared about it.


Remember the rule for Bethesda games on steam, turn off auto update (set the setting to 'only update this game when i launch it' from updates in the setting menu when you right click your game and click properties) and launch the game only through the script extender. only update when all the mods you use has updated. 
If you ignore this advice and your game breaks from an update, you only got yourself to blame, not anyone else.


“A StoryWealth” is another interesting overhaul mod. It has about 700 mods in it including America Rising and Sim Settlements 2.


10:41 dat jump scare...


i love fallout 4. I just started playing this again in VR and man it feels great after a few (dozens) mods. I also just jumped back into 76 and it feels so much better than it did when it first launched


the greatest mod combo i had working until something bugged out was sim settlements 2 america rising 2 outcasts and remnants Project Valkyrie a bunch of good weapon and ammo mods cant remember which and also one where you could fully take control of the institute with other factions with a bit of editing it was possible to pretty much unite all the factions which made the new end game with sim settlements 2 even more insane


I just opened fallout 4 and looking in the mod menu as you uploaded this


All I need is Fallout London!


Crazy that Direct Hit wasn't a mechanic by default considering the VATS system targets body parts in a similar way.


> faster load speed

People thought I was mad for hoping it would come with FO4 next gen, but who's mad NOW!? Ahahahaha!


Animation framework is a very good mod, it adds animations when you drink and use chems


Long Loading Times Fix is now an auto-include in all my load orders, thank you for this!


8:04 Legendary Raider one shot? Must download


Friendly reminder that the unofficial patch will STILL break Nuka World on ps4


Whispering hills lowkey might've given me an FPS boost lol