You should do a check in with channels you've done in the past.
I wish every big YouTube did this, it is such a wonderful way to give back to the community!
I know Kaos Rio in real life! I went to game dev school with him. The second you said Rio, showed that profilepic and said Belgium game developer I knew. Wow! He was always ahead of everyone in every class. He speaks Flemish, but he always wanted his friends to talk English to him, wich was weird to us, but cool at the same time.
The Micro Drawing guy actually just owns a giant quarter
1:00 that's exactly what someone who is covering up for a serial arsonist would say
Small creators today have little to no hope of ever becoming popular, so doing something like this really spreads the word and helps them grow. What Austin does every year is honestly amazing, it not only shows a select few people that “they can do it”, but it also gives hope for other small creators that may be watching. Keep up the good work Austin!
Watching our subscriptions go up lightning fast made for a very fun day. Thanks for the love!!!!!!
Really glad you showcased Saranna Rotgard. Ever since you recommended her, I've been binge watching her videos and they're just incredible. Incapable of being boring.
"Originality." Oh, well, I'm not that original. "Quality." My entire channel is meant to be low quality. "Consistency." I'm done here.
Good on you, Austin! Everyone SAYS they'd go back and help the smaller channels, but you actually do it!
As one of these small aspiring creators, I appreciate this series a lot!
"Bad Ghosts" Its your usual video game essay channel, pretty high quality scripts. But instead it tackles the underground games that barely anyone knows, from avantgarde game creators, and mostly horror ones, but there is alot of other topics. Dude pours his soul into it and eager to anwser questions in the comments, and it pains me to see hes sub count! Please give him a watch!
This is such a genuine idea Austin, thank you. The last time you did one of theseI left a shameless comment some nice people came over and watched my stuff... so I’m just gunna do it again. `My content’s evolved a lot since then and I think I’m starting to come into my own these last few weeks.
I really like the idea of paying it forward like this. Great to be able to discover new creators that have already been given the tick of approval 😁
It's good to see big channels supporting small channels
I’ve found some my favourite YouTubers via this series!! Thanks Austin.
Thanks. I am fascinated by those obscure channels.
I would personally suggest subscribing to Laban. He just hit 500 subs and put out an amazing 6 month deep dive on boomer Facebook. Also Tim Heidecker is in the video. It’s definitely worth a watch.