
Happy Sunday girlsss i know it’s been a min 🫣 Pls do not mind my lashes.. my lash girl went into labor the day before my appointment but I couldn’t let that stop me 😭


This video will help so many people in our generation. I’m 25 and it’s just so necessary to acknowledge that you’re doing good in life and not to apply so much pressure on yourself. Living in a world where our lives are ran by social media is horrible. It’s so easy to lose yourself and I’m glad I came out of that mindset and grew from feeling like I’m behind and something’s wrong with me.


I'm in a generation where people in their 30s can try to accomplish more in life than they did in their 20s. But honestly, this really helped me very good (strong advice about God's purpose, Trinity). But I'm about to be 34 soon this week and I have a lot of purposes & goals coming to me when God puts His standards in his terms, plus I also need to start praying more & giving the time to know when can I accomplish these goals & purposes. Thanks Trinity & God bless you.❤❤❤😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊


Girl im 30 and im starting over in quite a few areas of my life so yeah, i most definitely dont have it figured out now but with Gods timing and his guidance ima get there Amen Amen


That friend part is soooo true who you hang around is literally soooo important because I remember I had an influencer friend and she was pushing me to do content and a lot of my TikToks blew up and when I had thot friends I had a thot not thot situation going on with myself I gave my life to God and hang out with non of them anymore but I wish I had friends that loveee God and know business


Girl I turn 28 in August and this video is right on time. I started a glow up series and I’m just determined to get my life together fr lol. Thanks for sharing 🫶🏾


I’m about to be 40 and although I have had phases of “having my life together”, things change without warning and I have regularly found myself having to adapt and start again.  Please please please do not fall victim to the “I have arrived” mentality.  IF you ever get there, NOTHING is permanent.   Do yourself a favour and stop trying to arrive.


1:20 Girl I'm turning 28 on Wednesday and I honestly thought by now I would be married with kids right now. 🥺... I honestly needed this video.


This video is spot on, I pray the younger ladies watching take it in, it’s okay to not be “perfect” per the perceived image of perfection we drown ourselves watching everyday online.


I completely understand the being a certain age for marriage thing, and I noticed it in my husband and I, he was 29 and I was 21 when we got married. We were on different ages and the right person showed up for us at different times, love will come at different stages for different people


I’m 21 and ❤ I love watching your videos your that girl sis


I love your content! You are just so real and relatable! (I'm referring to the cake pop under your seat in the car.) 😂


Girl you are GLOWING and you radiate such positive energy ✨ you left me with such knowledgeable advice and gratitude for where I am at right now in my early 20’s. I think some of us may confuse reality with social media, but learning to let go of that unhealthy habit is definitely worth it. Something I learned from your content is that shifting your mindset, social circle, and priorities will leave you with success. Nothing is earned, we have to work for what we truly value out of this life and the rest will follow. Thank you beauty 🙏🏼💕💕


Thank you so much for making these videos! I am currently 19 and have been watching you for several months and your videos have completely changed my mindset and just the way I go about life and it's been so great! I've learned to just be more appreciative of what I have and trying to achieve certain goals that I truly want in life by changing my mindset and just taking that first step towards my own journey of prayer, self-love, and gratitude. Keep doing what you're doing girl, I wish you all the best and thank you again! 🧡


Why every time I think it’s more coming the video end. 😩 you really drop gems! Let me go rewatch ❤


The opening is exactly where I’m at! ❤


found your channel recently & you’ve helped my mindset shift so much, thank you lots, sending you love & blessings 🤍


You are the big sister I need in my life. I really enjoy what you have to say. Whenever I feel like I need a talking to, I come to you. Thank you so much, you give us so much to think about. Some things we honestly never thought about or may have forgotten about so it's really nice to hear it.


im 20 and i definitely needed to watch and listen !!!!


Thank you! I really needed this especially bc I’ve been in such a low place being surrounded by all of close friends and them having intimate relationships that I’ve never gotten to experience. At times it makes me feel as though something is wrong with me. This video came at the right time for me thank you