
The return of Burnie as church really just revived the RVB community. It’s sad it’s the final season of the entire show. Going to miss this one


God when I heard Burnie again and saw that he’s writing this….it gave me massive goosebumps.


Written by Burnie! I'm almost in tears. This is the RT I fell in love with. One last ride guys. For old times sake


To hear Burnies voice, not only hit me with nostalgia....but tears as well


The idea of returning to that particular moment after all these years is adding a whole new dimension to those opening lyrics “We’ve been here so long”


Damn smosh is reunited, another season of Red vs Blue is coming.  A little bit of happiness is coming back into my life


The fact they retcon all the stuff that upset the community in a way that works and makes sense gives me hope for this season


I haven't had goosebumps like this over RvB since The Director revealed his name as "Doctor Leonard Church" all those years ago; it led to the show's best arc ever...


"We will make Red vs. Blue for as long as people care; and then after nobody cares anymore, we'll make one more season to cap it off." -Bernie


I'm so happy that the show will have an actual finale, and not just tredge on into obscurity


Wow, after twenty years, it's finally ending. I'm both a little sad, but also glad to have enjoyed this for so long. All the laughs, the drama, the shenanigans, I'll never forget it. So here we go, one last ride. Hit it.


"When did you get a new voice?"
"When the studio stopped being able to afford Elijah Wood."


So, the longest-running web series is coming to an end. It's sad, but things need to end at some point. You either tell the story you want to tell and end it yourself on a good note, or you milk it dry and run it into the ground until it's abandoned. I'm glad that Burnie is coming back to put his original creation to rest on a good note. I thank you for the inspiration you have given me to create my own stories. I am forever thankful.


the fact Burnie is writing it and is voicing church again is enough to get me to watch


When this trailer dropped I started rewatching the series. Just got back to that famous final scene and gonna jump into the spin-off seasons next. Here’s to anyone else starting the grind to the final season!


As Dr. Seuss once said, “don’t be sad it’s over. Be glad it happened.”
I will miss this show, but I’m glad I got the chance to watch and enjoy it


Im crying for real right now. RvB has held such a prominent place in my heart for years and years now. Im sad to see it end but I’m glad that it’s going back to it’s peak and closing off Church’s story. I hope all the guys can come back for this final installment even if it’s only for a short time.


Retconning the newer seasons and keeping everything through the chorus trilogy is amazing news! This series wont make me feel sad anymore! (I hope)


Hearing Burnie's voice and seeing that he's writing again really means alot. After this trailer, I gotta watch every season of RVB now, well, the First to Chorus Trilogy.

Edit: You know this maybe late but I wonder if in this season they will bring up the missing AI Xi.


I grew up with this series. I'm sad to see it go, but I'm glad they can end the series.