
Eiiii wats happening 😳  No molki today?????


Nice gospel song


We are wailing


Is this the channel for the tv show?


Hi viewers 🥰 today is gospel music aton day🤩 let's enjoy it 🙏


Eii adom tv


Make I update you guy as you nor get to watch it over here 
Who's ready for the gossip


I'm going to startimes to watch it guys follow up


Ohhh I thought it’s only me


Pls it only me not seeing the program


Yh, we are waiting 🥱


Hi everyone is almost time


Eii adom tv y


Eei adom tv


Aww no molki today😢


Pls come we want to watch mollki


Adom tv why ahh 😢


Is light out too


Adom tv why 🙄