You're anxious because you see the world as a dangerous place! That hit home for me 😢
If you're here, you're already so far ahead of the pack. Congratulations for you caring about your health and taking action in your self development.
I want to thank you for your channel. I am still deep in this health anxiety and depression hole, but I am digging out and see light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you!
What my therapist used to always tell me is to use the phrase “I feel” whether talking to myself or expressing my feelings to someone else, instead of saying “I’m mad,” “I’m sad” instead you say “ I feel sad.” It gives so much more power to YOU rather than your thoughts and feelings. When I really started implementing this it changed my life
"Our emotions don't come because of the situation, they come from how we think about the situation". Emma Macaw
Having these thoughts/negative emotions are normal, we can’t control what type of thoughts that pop up in our minds. But we CAN CHOOSE HOW WE DEAL WITH THEM! Separating ourselves from our thoughts. Everyone dealing with depression please don’t give up. Your NOT ALONE! We are all here for each other :)
People pay LOTS of money for this info. Thank you so much, you're saving lives <3
i've been depressed for over 10 years, but i just randomly woke up and thought to my self : i dont wanna feel like this anymore, i wanna meet new cool people, i wanna go explore pretty places, i wanna keep playing the video games or watch the stuff i love, i want to go back to drawing and feel creative again, i wanna do so much stuff, i dont really wanna die my brain is lying to me that thought made me quit weed/hash (thc), drinking, and smoking tobacco, im now doing small daily physical exercises and once a week i do something longer and harder, i got out of my 'comfort'' zone and made a new cool friend, im watching this channel which is pretty good and im learning pretty good, interesting, and useful stuff, i've been cleaning my room more often, just to name a few i still feel like shit imma be honest, just yesterday i felt really bad and cried my eyes out, today i woke up feeling the same, but the difference is, i feel quite a bit better now since im actually trying to get out of this situation, these small steps are making quite a big difference, for the first time in 10 years im filled with hope and a bit of motivation, it feels so good looking back and see that im making a bit of progress, instead of looking back and thinking about everything i went through to make me feel depressed and anxious guys, we all are way stronger than we think, the human brain needs care and atention otherwise it becomes your worst enemy
My anxiety attack started after cruel judgments! Now I just know ,what others think is non of my bussiness :) In my darkest days, ur videos were like miracle💌 Thank u for being so nice among people who just show off!
"Thoughts aren't facts" 😮💡mind blown. Thank you.
For me, it's the saliency of negative emotion accompanying the negative thoughts that makes them seem so real, and that makes them take over my attention.
From a 20 yr Infantry veteran, your channel has made a huge difference in my life. You have improved my quality of life and prevented the quagmire that many males, veterans, post-narcissist recovery and common human face. Thank you for teaching me how to cope and grow.
Thanks for the video! When dealing with OCD, recognizing automatic thought patterns is also very helpful. For example, a mother, due to the stress, may have a thought:"What if I hurt my baby." The next thought she may have:"Oh my god! Why I am having this thought at all?!! I'm definitely a bad mother." And that's how she gets trapped, by being stuck in arguing with her first thought (aka. If I have this thought, then I can indeed cause harm to my baby). In other words, understanding that we don't choose the nature of thoughts and that many of them are just automatically generated by our brain, would help see the person that it is merely a thought, not a reality.
SPEAK positive thoughts as if speaking to some one, you cannot have a thought and do this at the same time, repeat and memorise and speak it out everytime you get negative thoughts.
I thought I had anxiety, but it turned out I simply didn't like the people around me.
Mental strength affirmations and positive affirmations are also very effective tools to overcome anxiety and can work well with the methods suggested in this video. Am example of this is, My mind is rational and calm. Say like you mean it and do this for 10 minutes 2 0r 3 times a day and it can create change. God bless and remember you can take back your life.
I’ve been dealing with excess anxiety for the past two weeks. Waking up in the morning due to one negative thought spiraling into a whirlwind of worry and negativity. The “What ifs” are a big problem for me right now. But I’m currently in therapy and I started taking celexa to help get myself back on track. Really appreciate the community here. Nice to not feel like I’m the only one in the world dealing with this. ❤
I appreciate what you do. Solid presentation and editing as well. 👍🙏
I can't breathe seeing the words of the feelings of negativity. Mine don't need a stimulus, just the minute I wake in the morning and feel the dread of having to face another lonely day.