Banijay Blue light Banijay Documentary Banijay Crime All deserve a million subscription 💓❤️❤️
I think if you commit such heinous crimes then your privacy or any of your final wishes should be null and void even ignored completely. The victims weren't granted any decency, respect or final wishes
This channel deserve a million subscribers Welldon B. C. D
The breif case is held by bradys twisted scolisiotr and the law is tryinf to he changed to open it but because the UK goverment is very slow and cant run a bath its taking forver.
I only picture the devil listening to this, now God’s got these two people. God’s justice is never ending. Obviously it doesn’t sound like they’re gonna be able to open the box. I’m done listening. I can’t hear this anymore. Give that man what he wants is effing ridiculous
My comment isn't about this case,m y questions about " isn't there people concerned about the environment, how about planting trees in some parts of the moores????