Wubzzy. I hope that you read this. I've had issues personally and didn't know how cope with the issue. However, watching your videos brighten my day, man. STAY STRONG💪
2:28 Rare footage of Wubzzy genuinely laughing- oh, nevermind…
2:28: After that transition......I never held in my laugh so hard BRO 💀💀
Wubzzy's attempts to make me deaf will never get old😁😁
3:02 not the oobja music 💀
2:17 Oh my god he actually laughed it’s over
4:46 GUMBALL!!! The Funniest Yelling Quote In The World.
Also, I laughed at "Bro I'm not doing this anymore" 💀
It’s definitely the first time that Wubzzy laughed at 2:18😂😅 Bro had me dying from his own laugh
The wild Wubzzy has emerged from his cave and back out into the wild.
5:40 POV: me trying to find my wolf pack when they didn’t spawn next to me.
THE GOAT IS BACK 3:40 It's the CaseOh repellant
god dawm the transition of laughing was so fresh.. just so nice and clean
Wubzzy loves bears so much that he hibernates from his long form just like a bear hibernates from the winter
Hey Wubzzy, I’m an OG. I’ve been watching ever since the reacting to Dee’s big nuts days😂. I’m glad to see that you hit way over 1 mil
Wubzzy's screaming face will never get old😁😁
Welcome BACK Wubzzy
Finally after 4 months bro came out