
My nephew did watch this movie. He's 5 years old. His favourite passtime is pressing buttons on toys, not even playing with them. This movie still bored him enough to turn it off halfway.


I saw this movie two times in a row when it first came out a bit ago. I babysit two boys, one is 5 and the other is 7, and they lost their fucking minds over this movie, especially the youngest. They laughed when the dog shit, they hated zeus with so much passion, and they cried when they thought Marmaduke was dead. The second the movie ended they had me restart it and we watched it again. It was torture. I've been trying to forget this movie ever since, and I thought I was going to make it to the grave without ever seeing this nightmare ever again, but no. Here I am. Thank you Danny


One of the biggest issues has been the shift from actual voice actors to any famous person the production can get their hands on


You know a movie is terrible when they manage to make you sad because the dog did NOT die at the end


The worse thing is that Marmaduke's designs is not even comparable to the comics, which went for a more realistic approach. Not only is this a bad movie, this is also a bad adaptation


I literally never understand why bad movies think farts and eating too much food is like the funniest thing ever. I swear it always matches the same awful quality of animation too, just.. who tf is making these movies I’m genuinely so concerned


I feel like Pete told his agent - “I’m dating a single mom and I gotta do something to make her kids like me  - are there any kids movies I can do?”


Some kid at school asked me “have you heard of marmaduke?” And we straight up had an entire conversation in tech class about how awful marmaduke was 😭


I feel like Netflix just has their own department solely dedicated to making horrible low budget movies on the off chance that it will become an ironic hit and be torn apart by commentary YouTubers


Even as a kid, I remember just hating movies where the whole joke was "horrible untrained dog causes endless misery." It's so irritating and they always play it like the dad or parents are the bad guys for getting fed up with being injured and having their property destroyed, instead of a single person training the dog.


I love how they went to literally wanting the dog to die, to pretending that they were sad when they thought he was dead.


“Diggity dang that dog!”


Danny: "The dog trainer actually isn't the villain!" Danny 2 seconds later: "So the dog trainer beats the daylights out of Marmaduke and then tortures him"


I grew up in a really rural area and we didn't have high speed internet until I was about 13. What I always looked forward to other than watching cable TV was on Sunday, which was when the in color funny papers came. I remember reading Marmaduke and other comic strips and it's what inspired me to be an artist. Brad Anderson died in 2015 and I think even if he was alive and completely senile he would still hate this movie.


animation THIS bad honestly baffles me, because i know there are creators who want to make good stuff. i understand animation is hard and needs a big budget to be done great but there's no excuses for bad writing.


At the time stamp 14:02 when he said “I don’t think any kid has ever watched this” my 8 year old brother just quietly said “I watched it”


I think the whole point is they know that these movies won’t succeed anyway, so they throw everything out the window and bank on the movie getting traction - especially on social media - for how bad it is. Also, the fact this came out after Netflix fired/cut funding from its animation departments DID NOT help this movie’s case.


Let's put it this way: If you pick up a 100+ movies that no other streaming service would pick up, they can now advertise that they have 100+ moves that no other service has.


How did they make an animated movie look like it was greenscreened?!


November 10 1975: The Edmund Fiztgerald sinks on lake superior
The dad: That dog!