Meditation and avoiding my phone 95% of the day has been a game changer for me.
It’s gotten to the point where I have to sit and watch a movie while alternating between TikTok and candy crush to not feel withdrawal symptoms. It’s driving me insane
OMG Ali. This was amazing. I am a 47 year old mum of 18 year old who is struggling with lack of motivation. It’s been so difficult watching him struggle. He is a bright, sweet natured lovely young lad. He in fact introduced me to your channel. You are making such a difference to young people’s lives as an influencer and mentor. Keep up the good work!
a tip for the “trouble starting stuff” thing: I used to do this in uni, i would tell myself I only have to work on the assignment for 5-10 mins. Then I can stop. But just start. That way I felt less pressure and actually got to start something. Sometimes I would stop after the 5 mins I would set but most of the time I would stay on doing the assignment. Starting is always the hardest part. And it was way easier to pick back up if i only did the 5 minutes bc i already started it, i wouldn’t be thinking “i’m starting it” my brain would more or less think of it as “i have to finish this” which was way easier than starting something
I remember going to a mental health facility for a few months where the only things I could do were: puzzles, read, walk, and socialize. My phone was taken and I felt completely healed by the time I left. I was full of energy, talkative, and eager to explore challenges. Sadly not the case anymore and I think it all has to do with dopamine for sure.
Funny you mention singing with a group - singing in a choir filled my cup like nothing else. I'm not an phenomenal singer by any means, but I experienced such moments of pure joy and euphoria. Sounds mad, but with the right group, it made me so happy, and really enriched my life. Highly recommend, but again, the right choir is vital!
Thank you so much for creating this video. As a university student, I’ve been struggling to plan and focus on anything related to my studies or career. Discovering why I constantly distract myself with TikTok and Twitter has truly opened my eyes to the root causes of my addictions. I can’t thank you enough for this insight. Understanding and recognizing the negative patterns in my behavior and perspective has been incredibly transformative—so much so that it’s hard to put into words. I’ve watched this video and the entire series repeatedly, and now I’m taking notes and planning to implement these changes for the better. Thank you once again for your guidance and support.
It's alarming how much we've become over reliant on the dopamine hits. For comfort, convenience, and the shiny objects we've been trained to throw away our dreams, our goals, and just settle for consumerism.
I haven't listened to music in anywhere in public, including on public transport or on walks, for years. I stopped doing it nearly ten years ago because I started becoming very anxious not being aware of my surroundings. Now, I honestly think it's a game changer for me. Sure, it was "boring" at first but I can't remember the last time I felt bored doing it. It makes doing things like going to the gym (something I do without music too) much more mindful and intentional. More recently, when I tried to make an effort to use my phone and social media less, it felt much easier as a result. Honestly I can't recommend taking your headphones off and just trying out the world without Doja Cat in your ears more - though I appreciate it's hard to get started. That said, I don't think I could give up music on flights that are over 2 hours long, that's too far even for me
I've been trying very hard to avoid my phone and staying away from anything that is addictive. Some days I accidentally regress backwards, but on the days I stay away from my phone, it's like a breath of fresh air. Sometimes it becomes a bit of a contradiction when I think back to the day before where I was so full of energy and felt great versus the sensation of rotting. I can't express how important it is to maintain this and I'm glad this video explained it even further
I rarely post comments on Youtube, but this video is extremely good and I think, rather than doomscrolling, many millions of people should watch this video and realize that they have a problem and that they have the power to change their behavior
This is hilariously well-timed - I was searching for dopamine videos 2 hours ago and wishing you had a more recent one.
10 years ago in my early 20s I went through a horrible year in my life where I "rotted" before it was spoken about. I became very depressed and agoraphobic. I could come to my front door, then I'd get so afraid and anxious that I'd crawl back into my home and try to forget that I was throwing away my education and social life. It was horrible. I don't know how I got through it. I'm glad girls are talking about this online, perhaps they will fare better than I did.
The best advice I got was this "just do it" Sometimes it's challenging just to open my laptop and study or have some work done, but everytime I apply that "just do it" I finish starting things.
One thing that has worked for me (which falls in the phone fasting category) is taking my dog for a walk immediately after I wake up. So literally, roll out of bed, put shoes on, leash him up, and get outside. It puts space between me and all the "normal" distractions that get in the way of a good morning. I get a good walk in, and then when I am home, the phone doesn't really feel enticing at all. Thankfully my dog is a good sport too because if he didn't want to get up I'd be in trouble 😅
Incredible video mate! Loved shooting this with you 🤝🧠
YouTube has changed my life, and I have to say that being a YouTuber is almost like running a business. You always need to give your viewers what they want. You can't become complacent at any moment. At the end of the day, toughest part is definitely starting your channel and growing it up to the point you become successful (and honestly if I haven't used a lot of famester, I would have quit a long time ago. It was a proper game-changer for me, and once you become successful it is a great tool to control algorithm).
The simplest and actionable video on dopamine, sir
Wow, this honestly feels like THE dopamine YouTube video. Thanks Ali!