
That Yorkshire burrito is utterly genius. Those need to be available everywhere


I said this before and I'll say this again. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE IN THE UK! Much much more out there


I still can’t comprehend how you get to eat so much in a day πŸ˜… Love your videos!


I'm going to London for the 2nd time next month, so these videos are literally perfect.


That Yorkshire burrito looked fireeeeee πŸ”₯


Love your channel - still rewatch your Chinatown in Yokohama one in planning an upcoming Japan trip.   Fun to see you were here in my country, hope you had a great time! πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ 😎


I just had a glass of umami filled water with ice. Umami, Umami!!


All you can eat cake is literally a dream of mine.


Amazing variety of cakes ! Delicious ! The Yorkshire Burrito amazing ! Ramen in London is truly amazing ! Mikey thank you for sharing !


A good  ramen is nice when the weather starts cooling down. 🍜


That ramen looks amazing can't wait for slightly colder weather and more soups πŸ˜‹


I admire ur ability to eat as much as u do. I'm always trying to stretch my stomach so I can pack more in so far been failing miserably 😒


Thank goodness I made a sandwich before I came to lay down and watch this lol


Could you do a Q&A of your experience in each country, adjusting to time frame, food poisoning?, good/bad experiences while filming πŸ˜„


Now that stuff looks like its up my alley.


would love to see you try wagamamas πŸ˜‚


Beardmeetsfood was at that cake buffet before too.  His favorite was also the lemon elderflower.


Video about ramen review where 11 out 18 min is about cakes. Well done michey


I love these videos and this style of video the food is πŸ’£ and i love how you just enjoy so much πŸ˜‚β€ please continue what you're doing. It makes my day but also remember to take care of yourself, mikey and dumplings πŸ˜Šβ™‘β™‘β™‘


love to binge watch your videos. keep it up!!