now that's good reporting,kudos to the news crew for staying onsite
Building houses were you're NOT suppose to. To solve that problem that neighborhood needs $$$Tens of Millions Dollars of Federal Funding to make it liveable, The Easiest and Cheapest Solution is to Relocate them and let NATURE claim back the land.
Whether it's forest fires, rock/dirt slides/slumping, floods, etc. The fact that people build in incompatible places still amazes me. The developers, whose greed knows no bounds, create these issues. Just because that "cute little valley" looks perfect for a housing tract, doesn't mean that , geologically, you should build there. There are SO many more reasons not to build places, that are ignored, or blatantly disregarded, or corruptly circumvented.
The first thing my dad did when looking at houses was to make sure they weren't in a flood plain.
he said they cant fix private property but they sure can repossess your home if you don't pay your taxes. smh fix the problem to help the people.
I paused this @0:01 to say ... man, the ignorance / denial etc is strong in Flagstaff !!! What do they imagine the words "Don't build on a floodplain" mean to them ?
This is what happens when greedy contractors & real estate people build homes in flood paths & sell them to idiots that don't know any better! Don't buy a home in a wash!
I'm a Native person so I'll say it like this, no sane people would CONTINUE to elect other people to make decisions for them about sensible protection for times like these in the SO-CALLED "richest country in the world ", without having consequences for those elected when they don't put at least some effort into helping during dangerous events. Just sayin'.
i looked at real estate in Flagstaff, it's a beautiful area...sorry to hear that these people lost out...i went back there last spring, it is way populated , and i think overbuilt
"We need answers..." LMAO! There is a reason why we don't see any above ground geographic drone footage, we would all clearly see where water once rushed through in the past, and will then probably show up again in the future. This is why it is important to do your research before buying/building a house in a certain location. Don't build/buy in dried up river basins (example in Germany: Ahrweiler)
It breaks my heart.. these poor people need help ASAP and it’s no way to live. Tragically sad 😔.. prayers 🙏🏼
That's heart breaking. There has been flooding in many places around the US and the world. It seems to be increasing in both frequency and severity. Have these people considered to moving to a different place? I do not think anyone can win in a war against nature. At some point we just have to concede defeat and move out of nature's way.
People usually fail to take into consideration the location of their home…
Why did they build houses inside a riverbed???
Sending my Love And Prayers to All affected by Henri , I feel scared for you all ! Sending my thoughts ,Love and Prayers fr. Canada . This is terrible ! God Bless you All ❤️🙏🇨🇦
That is a natural draw that drains the rainwater, you keep fighting Mother Nature. I always checked out properly in a thunderstorm to see where the water was going.
Floods are just gravities' way of telling you to move, and gravity is the law.
Here in Cali we're dying for storms like this haven't seen rain in over a year
Her: “It’s terrifying” Men in the background: “Hahahaha!”