The cats living their best life...they have the best mother fr
Ahhhhh the way I screamed when I saw the notification 😭😭 I love your tiktoks so a you tube video is 10/10 😻😻🤌🏼
I could see God working through you girl I prayed about you as well sooo glad you reached out to Him and now your in this wonderful position 😊❤
Girl I’ve lived in Ohio my entire 20 years of life it’s miserable out here I’ve always wanted to be a beach girly so I’m just going to live vicariously through you until I’m a nurse and in my bag 😘
EMILY. You don’t understand how much I love you, you have helped me through so much and even brought my friend Emily closer 😂 we get to bond over you and watch you grow. I love your personality a little bits of attitude!!! Keep on doing what your doing and know I will support you through it all. I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH YOU ARE A QUEEN 💖💖💖💖😻😻😻😻‼️‼️‼️‼️
nobody messes with Emily the way I do I have watched your videos for forever I still watch them when I am bored I get your shower routines if I can afford them I bought the sweet tooth because of you and also you have really inspired me to get out of my depression and take care of myself also when you and your boyfriend broke up my bf of 2 years had broke up I know you got back together but it felt nice to see people I look up to go through the same things also I live in Ohio and am visiting Florida right now! I love you! Thank you so much!
sooo happy for you that you finally live in your dream place!! you literally deserve all the love and im so excited for more content from you!! 😭🩷
Ik I’m like 2 months late, but I’m so proud of Emily! I’m so happy you’ve gotten to your dream place, and more! I watch your tik toks daily, anytime you pop up I instantly stop scrolling to watch. Idek when I’ve started watching. But I truly look up to you 💕
Ughhh i’m literally obsessed with youuu 😭😍 I started watching you from the beginning and i’m so proud to see how far you’ve come!!! ILYSM 💗💗
Awhhhh Emily I am SO SO soooo happy for you!! You DESERVE THIS!! ❤️☺️ never stop trusting God & never stop being you! You’re amazing!!! I couldn’t stop smiling this whole video because I am just sooooo happy for you! 🥲
I’m so happy for you! May God continue to bless you. Welcome to Florida💞 ❤🎉
Emily I’m so happy to seee the progress you’ve made I’ve been watching since last summer ily ❤
Relatable right now i feel like the type of person where my dreams wont actually come true but this inspired me so thx emily your so slay
So proud of you girl!! You come a long way and you deserve it! 🎉🎉❤
girl i love you and your videos so much you are so fun and so gorgeous i wish i could meet you also you have taught me how to take better care of myself you have helped a lot of people through a lot of things too you seem like the sweetest girl i am so happy for everything you have accomplished wishing you the best forever💗💗💗
im so proud of u Emily💞💞!! I knew u could do it and I love ur knew place and I literally wanna be u when im older. I love u smmm🩷!!
Congratulations on the move your deserving of this and so much more I’m so happy you’re posting on YouTube again I love your content
emily i have been following you since almost the beginning! i am truly so proud of where you are at right now!!
you literally helped make me so much better I love you Emily😖😖😖